Eustass Kid Gets Married

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A/N- i really hope you like it i spent a lot of time on this chapter

3rd person pov

Today is finally the day you become Mrs. Eustass Kid.

Your currently in your room alone finishing up your shower. Kid is on the Island with Heat, and Wire getting all the details of the ceremony finalized. Heat will stand next to Kid, Wire will officiate, and Killer will walk you down, then stand next to you.

There is no one on the ship except for you and Killer. The rest of the crew set up the galley with the decorations you provided early this morning, and then left you and Killer to get ready without any interruptions.

Since its just the crew at this wedding, then it starts whenever you are ready, and give the word.

When your done showering, you slide on your new (f/c) lace panties and strapless bra. You slip your robe on and crack your bedroom door "Killer I'm ready for you" you shout down the hall, and shut the door going into the bathroom.

A few seconds later you hear footsteps coming down the hall, and a knock on the door. "Come in Killer".

Your in the bathroom starting on your hair, so you don't see Killer when he firsts walks in. "(Y/N) where are you? I have some things for you". You notice Killers voice sounds different. You step out of the bathroom, and your mouth drops open, as your eyes begin to tear up. "Y-You did this for me?" "It's only this once for your very special day, for my sister.

 "Y-You did this for me?" "It's only this once for your very special day, for my sister

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Killer stood there, maskless. "Your so beautiful Killer." You whisper, causing him to chuckle, and pull you into a hug, kissing the top of your head. "I have a surprise for you."

"You without your mask isn't my surprise?"

"It was one, and this is the other." Killer hands you a small box, you sit in a chair and slowly open it.

" Killer hands you a small box, you sit in a chair and slowly open it

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Your eyes tear up and spill down your cheeks. "Thank you Killer I love it, it's beautiful." You hug him once more, and dry your tears on your sleeve.

Denial {Eustass Kid x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now