Chapter Forty-One

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Lena's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open, and I see the most beautiful sight in the world. Stef sits in the chair beside the bed, with both children in her arms. I smile. She looks up at me as I adjust.

"Hey, Love." She says smiling.

"Hey, Babe." She stands up and hands me Mariana. I smile down at my sleeping daughter. She looks like me. "Her Mari." I smile. She smiles in her sleep.

"I told the rest not to come in yet because you were sleeping.  But I did tell them that they were out in the world." Stef says smiling. "Do you want them in here?"

"Yes please." She smiles and hands me Jesus. She walks off to get the others. I look down at Jesus. He is so cute. They are so cute. And to think, a few hours ago, they were in my body fighting to go first, and causing me pain.

They start crying a little. I rub their chubby little legs.

"It's okay. Mama's here." They settled down. Shortly after, Stef, my parents, Sharon, Brandon, Jenna, and Kelly entered the room. None of them, except Stef of course, have seen the babies yet. They all walk over to the bed and coo over the babies.

"Meet Mariana and Jesus." I say smiling.

"Mama can I hold Jesus?" Asked Brandon.

"You will have to sit on Mommy's lap in order to hold him though, B."

"Okay!" Stef went and sat down in the chair beside the bed. Brandon sat on her lap. I passed him Jesus. He began to squirm. Stef took him and set him in Brandon's arms. He curled into his arms, shoving his face into his chest. "He's so small." He says smiling. I smile at the sight in front of me.

Mariana curls deeper into my chest, grabbing hold of my gown. From Brandon's arms, Jesus starts to squirm and crying.

"Okay buddy, I think Jesus is starting to get hungry. But you have to leave so mama can feed him." Said Stef.

"Okay, mommy." He slowly hands Jesus to Stef. She bring shim over and takes the sleeping, Mariana form my arms, placing her in her cot. Jenna, Kelly, Sharon, Brandon, and my parents, all said their good-byes to the babies, Stef and I, before leaving. I uncover my left breast and Jesus, latches on to my nipple. Stef is sat in the corner, just staring.

"Stefanie Marie Adams Foster." I say looking at her.

"What?" She says pretending, she's not doing anything.


"Stop what?" She says being 'innocent'.


"And what exactly are you claiming that I am staring at?"

"My breasts, while our son is feeding."

"Then yes. You would be correct that I am staring." We both laugh. Jesus detaches from my breast, falling asleep. Stef smiles before, standing up and placing him in his cot, beside Mariana's. "Sleep now, Love." She says after turning and kissing my forehead. I smile and nod.

Later on

I wake up and no one is here. I look around. What? Now I am confused. The twins are in their cots but no one else is here.

I was discharged, from the hospital. Everybody was there when we left. Jenna, Kelly, my parents, Sharon, and of course Brandon.

I am sat between the twins' car seats, making sure they are okay through the ride. Thankfully, they slept through the whole ride.

Stef gets out of the car, and goes around to get the twins out so I can get out. See this is what happens when you have TWO babies. But we still love them no matter how many there are.

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