What are we?

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Lauren point of view:

Holy shit.

I just kissed Camila Cabello, my band member, my humongous fucking crush that I've had ever since I laid my eyes on her in xfactor. I was laying in bed all morning thinking about what occurred last night until I felt a pillow hit me in the face.
"Ow!" I shouted and glared at Normani.
"Can you get up?? You've been in bed all morning literally staring at the ceiling!"
"Am not!" I shouted back at her.
"Pfff yeah whatever... By the way Ally and I are going to go get breakfast so I was wondering if you'd want to come along as well." Normani mentioned.
"Is Camz gonna be there?" I asked questionably. She gave me a questionable look.
"Yeah and why?"
I thought of how to sound innocent and not making her concerned about it. "I don't know. I'm just wondering." I bluntly answered.
"Then hurry up and get ready. I'm really hungry!"
"Yeah, yeah I'm getting ready!" I shouted back rolling my eyes.

We decided to go to IHOPS since it's one of our favorite places to go for breakfast. Once we sat down I saw Camila and she was staring at me with lust and happiness. She looked so cute that I couldn't contain myself from giving a dumb smirk back. We were more closer than ever after that day. Lauren and I began holding hands, cuddling together, and staring deeply into each others eyes so much and I loved it honestly... but I loved her more. She was the love of my life and I couldn't stop being more happy than ever. She made me the happiest teenager girl in the world and I couldn't replace her for anybody nor anything else. We were so attached to each other that our band members began to realize it even though Dinah already knew.

Camila and I were cuddling together on the couch getting ready to watch a movie with our band members. We do this almost every Friday whenever we weren't busy with concerts or whatnots. While we were cuddling together our group member began to slowly come near us and sit next to us on the couch. I was really confused by what they were doing so I asked.

"What are you guys doing?"
Ally replied being very curious and concerned.

"Dinah, Normani, and I have been very questionable on you guys lately..."

I looked at Camila and we both looked at each other confused by what our band members were talking about. Camila came in with the same questionable and confused look.
"What do you mean?"
"We mean that you guys have been acting pretty uh how do I say this....close" Normani made us even more confused.
Dinah seemed so irritated by how the conversation was going so she just blurted it out.
"Are you guys dating or something. I mean we aren't homophobes or anything. We are just curious about this thing occurring between you two."

Camila and I just looked at each other without knowing what to reply because we ourselves didn't know what the hell was going on between us neither. I replied back with a very hesitant answer.
"We-we honestly don't know.."
Our band members just accepted the answer and continued with whatever they were gonna do but I looked at Camila and she looked at me too. We were both looking at each other questionable of what we were. I grabbed Camila's hand and brought her to a quiet place were we could discuss this situation that we were in. Camila looked at me questionably by what I was doing and I sighed.
"Look Camila I know that I love you and you love me so um..."
Camila looked at me heartbroken as if I was trying to break this relationship that we had together. I then pulled her chin up from looking down.
"Hey, Hey I'm not breaking anything between us."
She looked at me relieved and I was relieved from seeing her sadness disappear. I continued.
"I uh-I think that we should keep this relationship a secret if that's okay with you. I just don't feel comfortable with other people knowing about us and our relationship yet, especially to the public."
She nodded and agreed with my statement. I then continued.
"So you agree to keep this as our secret?" Camila replied back in a whisper.
"I do."
We then both hugged each other.
"Lauren, I think that our band members should at least know because we basically live with them and they'd figure it out one way or the other."
She was right so I accepted her request and finally told our band mates. Once they heard the news about our little relationship they were so happy for us.


Camila's point of view:

My band members and I agreed to stream a live video for our fans as we usually do most of the time because it brings joy to us seeing how many of our teenager fans are thrilled to see us.  
Lauren and I were trying to hide our emotions from the public as we discussed that night but it was just so hard to control my emotions towards her that I just wanted the whole world to see our love. Lauren at the other hand wanted everything to be secretive and I understood so I just went with it.

My group members and I were laying in bed trying to bump our heads in the screen to make sure that we were visible but it was so hard because there were so many of us.

I looked at Lauren and saw what she was wearing on her head which made my heart melt from how cute she looked. She was wearing a bow on her head and I couldn't maintain myself from wanting to kiss her so badly. I still couldn't believe that I kissed this gorgeous girl that I can't stop pulling my eyes away from her.
While we were live, Lauren and I were joking around as usual and teasing each other. But then at this moment I couldn't forget that look she gave me. I swear I felt like I was gonna die from a heart attack by how she was looking at me. The way her glowing green eyes were staring at my lips and back at my eyes was pure. I looked back at her and we gave each other a dumb smirk but it hit me by seeing how much she loved me back.
I was hers and she was mine...

This video shows the innocence and pureness of their love: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bSEFL6OcPtk

My Heart in Your Hands (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now