Chapter 2

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Sherwin POV
Once I get to school I immediately see Kate, she's my best friend. Me and her have known each other since we were kids. She's the opposite of me, she is always giddy with excitement, really social and really pretty. She waves at me and I walk over to her. She is with Marco, Gabe and Fionna. They all look so cool and fashionable together. They all fit with each other perfectly. Then I'm there wearing who knows what and reading. I'm sorta a book worm. When I read books they take me into other worlds, and sometimes I really want to get away from this world. She says "hey Mr. Grumpy, where have you been?"  "I'm not grumpy I'm tired, I was reading Lord of the flies last night and got caught up in it" I say. She looks at me, examining me. I'm very pale, pretty skinny, have lots of freckles and like I've said my unwanted orange hair. Soon She changes the subject and starts talking about the new Thor movie. I tune her out and look at Jonathan. He is with all his (jock) friends and laughing. His laugh is so cute and his dimples, his dimples are the best thing that ever happened. He turns around in my direction so I quickly look away. The bell rings and I get to my locker, and who would have guessed but Tony was there. Tony shoved me down, and started laughing.  He caught up with his friends. While I'm on the ground like a mess, non other then Jonathan comes to help me up. Jonathan says "hey man, are you alright" I did not know he knew I  existed?! And his eyes were just like the ocean so calm and relaxing with a blue that could make me faint. His voice was  oddly comfortable and was so beautiful that I thought I was going to die. "Yeah I'm fine" i stuttered. He helped me up a walked me to class, why was he helping me? He said "bye see ya later"

Jonathan's POV
Who was that kid? I've never seen him before. Maybe he is new? I thought I knew everybody guess not. He seemed interesting. But the real question is why would people bully him? What gives someone the right to do that to another person? Well i can try and ask him. Or maybe that would be awkward? Why is he in my thoughts so much??? I should just forget about this, we should get on with our lives.

Sherwin POV
What the hell just happened? He just talked to me? The Jonathan talked to me and helped me?? I will have to tell Kate at  lunch. How long till lunch...2 hours??!!!

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~
At lunch
"Kate! Kate!" I say
"sherwin, what's so important?"
"Jonathan helped me with my books today and walked me to my class"
"You know he's a normal human being"
"Yes, but is he?"
"Your right"

I can't stop thinking about it, I just have to remember it was a one time thing. He will probably never talk to me again. But his ocean blue eyes will not get out of my head.

~~~~~~time skip after school~~~~~~

School seemed to go by really fast today. Now I have to go to work, at least it will take my mind of things. The people at my work are really nice, it's a small cafe so you practically know everybody. We always have such cute little pastry's, I can't really bake but I can decorate. It's probably because of my passion for drawing. Ever since I was little i have loved drawing, and I'm pretty good (really good but humble).
When I get to work my boss greets me with a smile, he is always so cheerful. I get right to work sweeping the place. I have this job so I can get a car, and to pay for University. Usually no one from our school comes and thank goodness for that. If anyone from my school came here and saw me wearing my pink apron I would die.

~~~~~~~~~~after work~~~~~~~~~~
Today is the day that the birds go across the world. I love seeing the birds. There so free up in the sky. Each bird is very delicate but together they are strong. I go to the park and climb up a tree to watch them. Soon I get to the top of the very high tree. You can see the birds perfectly, there wings soaring through the sky. But then I hear a crack....and I fall. As I'm falling I see Jonathan running towards me with a worried look on his face.

In a Heartbeat high school auWhere stories live. Discover now