Chapter 8

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I'm not sure but I feel like writing... so here I am.... again.

Sherwins POV

This house is even more beautiful in the inside. I bet one of these pieces of furniture could pay my months rent.

Jonathan takes me to a bathroom. And start cleaning up my cuts. He is doing a really good job at it to. But he seems pissed off. Maybe it's cause I took him from Selena. But he was really ignoring Selena. Well I did tell him to leave me alone less then 24 hours ago. But now I'm here and he is helping me. Wow a lot can happen in such a short amount of time.

We just sit there in a comfortable silence tell Selena butts in and says "Johnny boo-boo" I cringe at the nickname "it seems fine. Just forget about Sharman or whatever his name is, and come back to me, it's not like he matters." This made Jonathan tense up a lot.

Of course I don't want to agree with her but I guess I have to "uh um Jonathan thank you a lot but I didn't want intrude your night, I can just see my self out. A-again thanks for everything bye." I wave awkwardly and turn around to leave.

But then I realized if my mom saw me like this she would have a complete fit, and Tony might still be at my house.

Jonathan notices my discomfort and says "Selena, you have to go I will see you at school." And he winks at her. I think that made me and Selena's heartbeat go faster.

She glares at me, then stomps out. I think Jonathan called a taxi to bring her home. I say "well actually would it be alright if I stayed the night, I'm not sure if Tony is still at my house and if my mother saw me like this she would get a swat team." I say with a small laugh.

He still wore that same expression, anger. He finally got out of his trance and replied with "um yeah sure, but can you tell me why Tony hurt you or what he said to you."

Man, this guy can surprise me in many ways. "Uh well it was really weird. He came to my house looking like a bus hit him. He had many cuts and bruises on his face. He said stuff like 'THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT' he was referring to his face. And then he said 'JONATHAN IS TOO GOOD FOR YOU' and then he just started slapping, punching and kicking me. I didn't want to die, so I pushed him in my closet and drove to the first place I could think of. And here I am. B-but please don't tell Tony about this, it would make it much worse."

Jonathan POV

Didn't know Tony had enough stupidity to hurt Sherwin again. And he knows Sherwin can't defend himself! Tony is a idiot. I guess I will have to deal with him later, and this time I won't show him mercy. But right now I have to deal with my angle.

"Has this ever happened before?" I ask him. "Uhm n-no, it's usually just in the halls at school. It was really weird this time, just cause he said it was my fault. I'm not sure, I am really confused." He says back shyly.

But then i realized. This was my fault. Sherwin being hurt this much is my fault. It was me. This makes me pissed.

"You can go in our guest room." I say sternly, Sherwin looks surprised. "Uh yeah ok thanks." He says then turns around to go to my room. "Other direction." I say trying not to laugh.

"Oh yeah, sorry this house is maze.  A beautiful maze at that." He says then leaves.

Leaving me to think about what I'm gonna do to Tony. That son of a b-"do you have any clothes I can wear, these ones are a little...dirty." Sherwin says calmly interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah I think I might have some that can fit you." I take him to my room. I grab this shirt I got last year it's just plain white. And some old soccer shorts. "Uh yeah thanks, good night." And he leaves me again.

Sherwin POV

I lie on the bed and start laughing. Who would've guessed I the nerd would be sleeping in the Jonathan's house. If I told my past self this he would also start laughing.

I put on Jonathan's clothes and look in them mirror. I like look like a complete mess. The clothes are very loose. I pretty much have to hold the pants up and you can easily see my collarbone with the shirt. My hair is a complete mess. And well we already know everything about my face.

I just lie on the bed for about an hour but I can't sleep. I get up and start looking through the house.

I go down one of the stair cases and see the living room. It has one of those fake fire places with pictures on it.

No doubt Jonathan was a very cute kid. And his parents were both gorgeous, But there was a girl in all of these pictures. I've never heard of her. She was as beautiful as her whole family though.

I walk around till I find my favourite part of the whole house. It's a humongous library, the biggest one I've ever seen. They had Shakespeare to City of Bones. This was my heaven.

I pick "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" it's one of my favourites. I secretly ship Drarry a lot.

I find a corner of the library pull up a chair and read. I read for hours. I'm fully immersed in the book. I was too busy paying attention to my book that I didn't notice Jonathan come in.

He got "To Kill a Mockingbird" and read next to me. Now WE read for hours. I was starting to get tired. Soon I feel asleep. I was still 0.25 percent awake when Jonathan was carrying me to my bed. I heard him say "I'm so sorry Sherwin. It was my fault Tony did that to you." He seemed very sincere. But then his eyes turned dark "he won't do it again."

Damnit now I have to change the description because he is not a golden boy. wHoOpS.




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