Meeting a old friend

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~Mark's POV~
(WTF right new pov)

I was walking to the arcade and saw Felix. Me and him have been hanging out more since Jack been gone for about a year. He seemed to be tired so I'll just leave him alone. As I walked in the arcade seemed to be empty except for one other person. They where playing a Supper Mario Bros game so I went up cause I like to see how good they are. The thing is the person was about my height and was wearing a blue hoodie with BLOOD splatter around it especially in the front. I couldn't see there face it was hidden by there hood. "hey you alright" I asked they seemed to be startled by me talking guess. After that they just put there head down and walked off. "HEY, wait up I just want to talk!?" I shouted as I followed them. "leave me alone I don't want te talk." they groaned out as they started running. He sounded like a Irish teenage boy. "why not its nice to meet other people you know." yelling as I run just trying to get to know this strange boy. He just ran into a alley way panting. "why won't you talk I'm not going to hurt you?" I stated he spoke up "yes ye will Merk ya all ways do!" OK now I was confused so he knows me and I don't know him and I hurt him but I haven't done that since Felix started hanging with us. "what are you talking about I don't even know you? " he just laughed "well that good that means ye can go fack off" why was this person so eager to get away from me. "OK I will leave you alone if you just talk to me that's all?" He thought for a bit " OK deal" "OK so take the hood off and what's with the blood?" He was not listening "why won't you take it off?" i asked "it's just.... I had a accident I just don't like how it made me look." I was a bit confused who was this kid? "what's your name?" "why do ye want te know?" he asked a bit annoyed. "because I want to get to know you more." I stated just wanting to know this boy "...My name...jack it's Jack Mark." he sighed out wait Jack the gammer Jack the one I li-usest to mess with to hid-be funny.  Oh God he must hate me no wonder he ran "Jack it's you what happened why did you leave? What's been going on?  How your family and your life?" I just kept asking questions he seemed to get a bit angry or sad? "Mark stop with the questions like we where friends and I don't see why ye care that I left and it kinda should be obvious. Oh and here something a should know since ye love to say that dam nickname so facking much I have no dam life at lest not what I had before the dam crash so why don't yell go get yer group and do yer daily beatings!" he screamed as he turned around with tears running down his face.  His bloody, disfigured,pained filled face. His eye I don't even think he can control it or feel where it is as its silver mix with white and a blood stream leaks down his face. As his cheek is ripped open showing his bloody teeth and left over stretched gums and skin with blood splatters around the gap. He dose have slight bruises on his face but they aren't noticeable as his cheek. A car crash did this he looks like he needs to be dead like,like a zombie. The fucking name that I gave him 'zombie boy' God why did I do that to him and I liked the boy just ... I am a horrible person. I thought this all and when I was down putting myself in a hateful part In my mind I shook my head in shame. " J-jack I'm so sorry not just what happened  to you but what I've done to you... Personally if I could I would take it back but I won't say that foul name but are you really... Dead?" I said in a sad, depression tone. He seemed to be in shock of what I said that he didn't even speak but he nodded. He actually dead he's a actual zombie. That is weird but cool but maybe not for him.  "I'm so sorry." I spoke again he seemed to think about something then he mumbled it. "what is it Jack?" I asked out of curiosity."do y-ya want t-t-ta go ta my house?" I was shocked now the teen that should hate me forever is inviting me to his house? "oh my God Jack I would love to go when can I?" out of excitement I just smiled he seemed to smile to."Now if ye want?" "OK let's go show me the way!" we actually are getting along.

Time skip brought to you by a Septicplier fan•
He showed me to his house it was nice very homey looking I kinda wish I lived in it. "it looks nice" he thanked me and open the door. It was beautiful like an angel live in it or made it so homey and sweet with family pictures on the wall of him and Felix there was a dog on there to. I just love and this is only the living room the house seemed to be a eight room house that has two master bedrooms if there all like this then I might just die right here.  All I looking at is the living as the floor is solid smooth dark wood and the walls look like there made of Oakwood. There is also a gamer feel to house as it has a 72in flat screen TV with three couches and two bingbag chairs with a game set under it in a case with four remote controllers. There where two other cases with games full in them with two other closets on either side of the TV that I guess is filled with movies. There was a small table on the far side with drawer and in the middle of the entire room is it coffee table made out of dark wood with a really dark almost Pitch Black paint with four coasters on each edge of the table in one candles in the middle that seemed to be a new one it was nice to just be standing in that room and it was just the beginning of the house. Just the beginning of this little Adventure with a 'zombie jack'.

~word count 1138~

It's a long one Huh but I hope it's good and yes I know; ark is finally in it with his own POV cool right to have that OK and yes this a time skip to about a year after Jack quite college just trying to clear that up if y'all had questions but any ways PUNCH THAT VOTE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS AND I WILL SEE ALL YOU DUDES IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.buh-bye

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