So I have this teacher (if you couldn't tell by the title, she's an asshole) and she is being totally unfair with work and stuff, she gives me tons extra and threatened to give me two weeks of detention because I just barely missed an assignment. So I told my mom about it and we came to an agreement- I'll have a page in my notebook about all the specific encounters with my teacher and when there's enough evidence, we'll go to the authorities. My school is known for firing on the spot whenever a parent complaint is even hinted at, so this should be fun. If you think I'm being a jerk, you have no idea what she's done to other students. One time a couple years ago, some kid started vomiting uncontrollably (which he had warned her earlier of, but she had dismissed it) and didn't call the nurse, or his house, or even a freaking ambulance and instead started screaming at him for messing up her carpet and made him clean up her room. I don't even knowwww