Chapter 5

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Anaya's breath froze in her throat, and she could hear her heart pounding in her ears.

"I wouldn't normally do this over the phone," Ashton continued. "But I've already let you get away twice and I'd be the utmost of idiots if I let it happen a third time."

Anaya tried desperately to collect her thoughts as Natasha sat across from her, mouthing, "What is he saying?"

She held up a finger to Natasha as Ashton said, "So what do you say? Will you go on a date with me?"

Anaya paused for a moment longer before saying, "Yes. I'd like that." At this, Natasha's eyebrows shot up and she kicked Anaya under the table trying to get her attention. Anaya turned away from her, holding up her whole hand.

This time she was sure she could hear Ashton smiling through the phone, "Great! Are you free tomorrow night? Around 6?"

"No, I have a work party I have to go to...but I could do lunch if you're free."

"Lunch it is. Is there somewhere specific you'd like to eat?"

"Surprise me." Anaya responded.

"Oh, be careful what you wish for, Anaya Luthra." Anaya smiled again. "I'll text you the details. See you tomorrow, beautiful."

Anaya's smile grew wider, "Sounds like a plan. Bye, Ashton."

"Bye, beautiful." Anaya ended the call, smiling at the screen of her phone a few moments longer before Natasha cleared her throat.

"Sorry to bring you out of la la land, you have a date for tomorrow??" 

Anaya continued to smile, getting up to clear off the table, "Yes, I do."


The next day, Anaya spent the morning cleaning her apartment and texting Ashton. She had woken up to a text from him that read: Good morning, beautiful. I'm picking you up at noon, wear something comfortable. -Ash

Anaya had responded: How will you know where I live?

He'd joked about having his "sources" before asking her to make his job easier and text him her address.

How do I know you're not a serial killer? She'd asked.

Have you ever heard of a serial killer as attractive as me? Anaya had laughed out loud at his response before sending her address. She'd tried for nearly forty minutes to get Ashton to tell her where they were going for lunch but his only response had been to tell her he'd warned her to be careful what she wished for.

At exactly twelve o'clock Anaya heard a knock on the door of her apartment and nearly face planted after tripping over her coffee table in her haste to get to the door. She steadied herself and shook her head to clear it before taking a deep, calming breath, and walking over to the door. She took a quick glance through the peephole before unlocking and opening her door.

The dimpled smile Ashton gave her immediately upon seeing Anaya made her knees weak. She may have made a fool of herself and melted right into the floor if Ashton hadn't chosen that moment to step forward and give her a tight hug. Brushing his lips across her cheek and pausing near her ear, he held her close as a he said in way of greeting, "Anaya. You're looking as stunning as always." Anaya closed her eyes for a moment at the sound of her name rolling of his tongue in a deep caress. She inhaled slightly and, upon being assaulted by his distinct and overwhelmingly arousing scent, she couldn't help but emit a small sigh.

"Ashton. You're behaving as incorrigible as always." She replied, trying to hide her smile from her voice. She felt his lips twitch into a smile against her cheek before he withdrew himself. Anaya frowned slightly at the feeling of bereftness she briefly experienced before quickly recovering. She did a visual sweep of his body, starting with the slightly worn jeans and moving her way up to the way his black t-shirt stretched snugly across the expanse of his shoulders and chest. For a moment, she had the distinct urge to ask him to remove his shirt, before reigning it in and allowing sanity to take over. She continued her gaze up his face and the slight stubble that gave him a rugged edge. She stopped abruptly at the smirk sitting on his very kissable lips and proceeded to sheepishly meet his eyes. Still somehow knocked back by the how the pale blue of his eyes shone, she caught the flash of humor in the depths of those beautiful eyes.

"Enjoying the view?" He asked playfully. 

Anaya scoffed, "More like trying to assess if you're carrying any psycho killer weapons on your person. You never know these days." Ashton let out an unexpected bark of laughter, his dimples coming into full view and Anaya smiled in return as he winked at her.

"Well, in the name of safety, perhaps you should give me a pat down. Just in case."

Anaya felt a slight heat creep up her face and hoped her darker complexion would hide it, but she ducked her head nonetheless. "Let's just make it through lunch first," she replied. "If you can survive that on your best behavior, perhaps we can revisit the discussion of a...pat down." Anaya allowed her voice to drop slightly as she uttered the last two words a slow, sensual smile gracing her lips. The intended effect was obvious. Ashton's eyes darkened and his gaze flickered to her lips.

"Don't be making promises you don't intend to keep, Anaya." His voice had dropped impossibly low and the heat in his eyes had Anaya feeling all kinds of hot and bothered. 

Before she could give in to the urge to jump this man she barely knew in the middle of her apartment's hallways, lunch be damned, she took a small step back and gave him an impish smile before saying, "I don't make it a habit to do so." She quickly pressed on, knowing full well if she did not cool the conversation her resolve would not last much longer. "Will I be needing my purse for this surprise lunch?"

Ashton shook his head, giving her an easy smile, "No ma'am. And I'm ready to leave when you are." Anaya nodded, ducked back in to her apartment to grab her keys, locked her door, and they were off.

Her excitement grew as she waited in anticipation to see just what surprise Ashton was treating her to.


Well, if Ashton was going to murder her, he'd probably have done it by now. Right?

And anyone seen the new Justice League movie? It was sub-par, but Aquaman and Henry Cavill?? Talk about hot and bothered... 

Happy December!

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