Chapter 1

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Anaya dropped her keys onto the table next to her door and sighed as she toed her shoes off and let down her long, black hair. Just another long day at the hospital for the books. She turned on some quiet music and headed for the bathroom to let her shower wash away the tension life as an ER doctor brought. She paused at her floor length mirror to take the exhaustion that seeped from her body. From the slight bags under her golden brown eyes to her drooping caramel colored shoulders. At 5'8" with shining black hair that reached the middle of her back and legs that spoke of her love hate relationship with running, Anaya usually presented a sight enough to gain a second look from most red-blooded males. But after nearly losing a patient twice that day due to massive blood loss, she looked a bit frazzled around the edges. Taking a deep breath and straightening her shoulders, she gave herself a brief nod in the mirror and then proceeded to her bathroom for a quick shower and then bed.

Just as she slipped between her sheets and gave out a sigh of relief as her eyelids finally closed, her phone rang. Groaning in frustration she reached over and yanked it from it's place on her bedside table. Seeing her mother's face on her screen caused her frustration to ease. But only slightly. Accepting the call, she put the phone to her ear and closed her eyes again as she said, "Hey, mom."

"Naya, you sound tired. Are you okay??" Her mother's worried voice brought a small smile to Anaya's face. Twenty-eight years old and having lived away from home for almost ten years and her mother still worried.

"Yes mom, I'm fine. Just a long day at the hospital is all." Anaya reassured her.

"You know I worry about you, Naya. You see so much tragedy in those emergency rooms, you need less trauma in your life." Her mother continued.

"Mom, we've talked about this. You know I love my job." In an effort to head off an argument that had been repeated too many times to count Anaya continued. "It's nearly eleven o'clock. I'm assuming you called me for a reason." The slight hesitation on the other line caused Anaya to become a bit more alert. "Is everything okay, mom?" Anaya asked.

"Well yes," her mother hesitated. "It's's just your brother is all."

"What did Jai do this time?"

"He was kicked off the baseball team." Anaya's eyes widened.


"He led a protest across the school because one of his friends wasn't accepted to the speech and debate team. Apparently they said he had too much of a ghetto look. The protest got out of hand and the school is looking for people to hold accountable."

"You've got to be kidding me. Please tell me you and dad support him." Anaya said, trying to tamp down her anger.

"Of course we do." Her mother responded. "We're meeting with the school board tomorrow to stand up for him, but he's still so riled up about it I was hoping you would talk to him. He always listens to you better."

"Yeah, I'll give him a call. If only to tell him I'm proud of him." Anaya's mother let out a brief chuckle on the other line.

"While your father and I support his motives there may have been a better way to handle the situation. Someone could've really gotten hurt, so could you try to convince him to maybe come to us first the next time so we could help him deal with it?"

"I'll try, but no guarantees. You know how stubborn he is." Anaya said with a fond smile.

"Yes, nothing like his sister." Anaya could almost feel the sarcasm dripping off her mother's voice and laughed. "Alright, well I know it's late there and I want you to get some rest. Thank you for doing this, honey."

"No problem, mom. Give the school board hell. Love you!"

"Love you too, Naya. Goodnight."

"Night, mom." Anaya hung up the phone and sent her brother a quick text.

Mom just called. Proud of you. When did you turn into such a badass? Tell me all about it soon? -A

She closed her eyes and a few minutes later her phone chimed with a response.

So I gotta start a protest every time I wanna hear from you? -J Anaya laughed and sent her response.

I mean either that or land yourself in the hospital. Side note, please don't do that. -A Jai's next text came quickly.

No promises. I'll call you this weekend. -J

Sounds good. -A

Then Anaya turned off her ringer and fell asleep almost instantly.

The next morning Anaya stopped off at her favorite coffee shop as she did most mornings. After she'd placed her order she heard her phone ringing and looked down to her purse to dig it out when someone collided into her. She yelled out in surprise just as she heard a muffled curse from the person in front of her.

"Shit! Are you okay??" Anaya blinked a few times as she absorbed the man in front of her. She saw broad shoulders that sat below a chiseled jawline and full lips that she stared at for a moment too long before she realized he'd asked her a question. As she met his eyes she was startled by the depth and brightness of the blue hue which were in stark contrast to his black hair.

"Um, yes. I'm fine. No need to exchange insurance." She said with a small smile. He returned her smile and reached out his hand.

"Well I feel like I at least owe you my name. Ashton Reid." 

Anaya shook it and responded, "Anaya Luthra."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Anaya. Sorry for running into you."

"No need to apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going." Just as she said that her phone began to ring again and she reached into her purse to grab it. "Uh, sorry, I gotta take this. Nice to meet you as well, Ashton."

He smiled, "Have a great day, Anaya Luthra." Anaya's gave a brief smile back before giving a small wave, answering her phone and turning away. Her thoughts lingered on the green-eyed Ashton for a few moments longer as she spoke on the phone before refocusing on her day. She grabbed her coffee and headed off to work ready for another long shift.

No time to think about Ashton. No matter how beautiful he was.


This chapter feels like a drag. Ugh. I'll hit my stride soon. I swear there's actual exciting stuff right around the corner.

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