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"What the hell?! That was our cab you asshole!" Natasha heard Anaya's barely contained snort from behind her and she turned to glare at her friend. "You know he saw us. That was our damn cab!"

"Tasha, calm down. It's New York, I think we can find another cab." Anaya replied with an amused smile.

"I know that, Naya. I'm not an idiot. But it's the principle of the matter! We hailed the cab, we get the cab." Tasha yelled out her indignation and Anaya braced herself for the onslaught on justice in America that she was sure her friend was going to rattle on about. They were trying to grab a quick lunch before Anaya had to get back to the hospital for the rest of her shift and Tasha had to meet with a prominent client of the law firm she worked for. How different their lives were now than in high school...

- 12 Years Earlier -

Anaya lowered her Spanish textbook as Cynthia cackled at Tasha's latest drama club horror story.

"...and then he peed himself. Like straight up peed through his pants. In front of the whole audition panel and half the people there to try out!" Tasha managed to get out between bursts of laughter.

"Stop! Stop!" Cynthia called out, holding her stomach, "I'm laughing so hard I'm going to pee myself!"

Anaya rolled her eyes at their antics. "So Ben suffers from stage fright. What's new? Besides," she said, giving Tasha a pointed look, "You weren't so smooth when you had your first audition with the drama club."

"I know, I know," Tasha sighed. "It was just so funny...I'd better have much more professional costars when I'm rich and famous, though."

Cynthia snorted. "Yeah, I forgot about your whole make it big in Hollywood plan."

"Hey, I will! You'll see!" Anaya just smiled at the two of them. Tasha was determined to be a big movie star while Anaya herself had planned to pursue a career in veterinary. Cynthia said she didn't make plans. She just went where the wind took her. "And when I am famous and best friends with J-Lo," Tasha concluded, "You'll be sorry you weren't more supportive."

- Present Day - 

" you see, Naya, it's not just about a cab. It's about equal representation in our nation!" When Anaya tuned back into what Tasha was saying just as she concluded her speech and nodded in agreement so as to stem any further ranting.

"Of course. But can we please just drop it for now and get some lunch? I only have forty-five minutes before I have to get back to the hospital." 

"Yeah, yeah. Gotta save more lives." Tasha said with a roll of her eyes. Anaya smiled again at her friend as she raised her hand towards an oncoming cab.

"It's my job." She said with a wink. Suddenly Anaya felt the strange sensation as if she was being watched. She turned around to look behind her but saw no one. Shrugging it off, she got into the cab with Tasha and left for lunch.

A hushed voice floated beyond an ally nearby as the cab drove off. "They got in cab 3A17. Destination unknown. Proceed at a distance." 


So what do you think of the prologue? Does it suck? It feels a bit like it sucks... Ah well! I'll carry on regardless. ;) I know it's short but the chapters will be longer.

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