Chapter 1- Gemma's Death

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Venjix growled as he took in the sight of the unmorphed Silver Ranger and her friend, the traitorous Tenaya-7.

"You won't get away this time!" he growled. "I will not allow Silver to live anymore!" Gemma glared at the evil Venjix as she stalked up to him.

"I will not allow you to take this planet!" she hissed. "It will never happen!"

Venjix laughed as he looked back at Gemma. Then, quick as a wink, he pulled out the new generation's invention, a Black Lightning Sword, and swung it toward her. Gemma was flung backward and landed at the feet of Tenaya.

"Gemma, leave this to me!" she gasped as she noticed the long slash on her friend's chest. Gemma quickly shook her head as she slowly got up. "I can still fight!" she cried.

"No!" Tenaya tried to grab her arm, but missed and sprawled to the ground as Gemma rushed forward. She stood up again as she saw Venjix yelp after having been given a powerful roundhouse kick from Gemma.

"Think you're strong, huh?" The next time Gemma kicked out at Venjix, he grabbed her leg and with a quick jerk, broke her ankle. Gemma screamed in agony as Venjix flung her down and she looked up at him slowly as she lay at his feet, her face twisted with agony and terror.

Just then, she saw Gem and the other Rangers running around the corner towards Tenaya.

"Help!" she shouted.

She felt Venjix grab her by the arm and lift her up. The Rangers and Tenaya rushed toward them, but they weren't fast enough. Venjix took his powerful sword and slashed Gemma continuously with it. Gemma's agonized cries became louder with each slash, until Summer, Tenaya, Gem, Dillon, Scott, Flynn, and Ziggy leaped in and delivered a hard kick to Venjix that sent him stumbling. At the prospect of almost all the Rangers, plus the traitor Tenaya, standing together against him, he snarled, "I'll be back!" as he dropped Gemma and disappeared.

Gem gasped and ran over to his sister, who was laying on the ground. Gemma was almost completely covered in her own blood and her body shuddered as she gasped for breath.

"Gemma! Gemma, speak to me!" He gently lifted his sister's bloodstained body into his arms. "Gemma!"

Gemma's eyes slowly opened as she looked into her brother's matching ones. "I'm sorry, Gem," she murmured. "This was entirely my fault." Her eyelids flickered. "I love you, my brother." She looked back at the Rangers. "I love you all." Her gaze rested on Flynn. "Especially you." Then they closed. Gem saw her chest stop rising and falling. His eyes widened and he put a hand on her neck. No pulse. No! No breath. And apparently no heartbeat. She was gone.

"Gemma, no!" Summer cried as she flung herself down beside the former Silver Ranger, sobbing. Dillon stooped down and lifted her up again with the help of Tenaya. Tenaya and Flynn were hugging each other and crying. One of everyone's worst fears had come true. Venjix had attacked without warning and left them all with scarred hearts. Because now...

Gemma, the Silver Ranger, Gem's sister, Flynn's girlfriend and the heart and soul of the entire team, was dead and lost forever.

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