Chapter 3- Grief Gets Serious

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But by the next day, Flynn's grief for Gemma had not eased. The Scotsman now raged at anyone that crossed his path, especially Tenaya, who he felt was responsible for his beloved Gemma's death. He kept remembering, the memories kept returning. He was in the garage and then, it all came back to him.

"Think you're strong, huh?" He remembered Venjix leering at her for trying to fight him.

Venjix grabbed his sword and slashed Gemma with it continuously. He watched in disbelief as she collapsed to the ground, completely covered in blood. She was dying.

Flynn shook his head fiercely, shutting his eyes as he angrily pushed over a metal cart. It- it couldn't have happened.

Gemma took in one last breath as she lay still, her spirit leaving.


Flynn's eyes shot open. "It couldn't be real!" he cried. " She can't be dead!" He ran back to his room, but the body of Gemma still lay motionless and silent on his bed.

He gently stroked her hair as he sat next to her. "Come on, Gemma, wake up" he whispered. "Why couldn't this just be a nightmare?" It didn't seem right. Gemma had been the bubbliest and sweetest member of the team. Everything she had always done was for the good of the team. But then, Tenaya just had to take her for a quick walk through the middle of the city and they had met Venjix there. Then, Gemma had died to save Tenaya. Sweet, beautiful Gemma. Dead. All because of Tenaya. Who was now apparently standing in the doorway.

"Hey," she murmured as she walked in. "You okay?"

Flynn turned towards her, his eyes blazing, as he held Gemma in his arms. "Does it look like I'm okay?"

Tenaya stood next to him as she put a hand on his shoulder. "Everything will be fine-"

Flynn gasped, dropped Gemma back on the bed, and stood up, knocking Tenaya's hand off. "No," he growled. "You were the sole reason she died."

Tenaya's eyes stretched wide as she took a step back towards the door. "What? Why?"

"You were the one who took her with you," he snapped. "She died to save you! This is all your fault!" With that, Flynn grabbed a sword off his nightstand that he kept there in case of an emergency and advanced on Tenaya with it. Tenaya stepped back against the wall. About 4 feet away from her, he raised the sword, ready to kill her like she had gotten Gemma killed. He didn't care about what would happen after that. He didn't care that Summer and Tenaya were best friends, almost like sisters, and that killing her would cause so much pain for Summer. It would also damage Dillon. Tenaya was the real sister of his that he had worked so hard to protect. But he still didn't care. A red mist of fury was clouding his gaze, blocking out everything except Tenaya. He gripped the sword tightly, ready to bring it down on her like Venjix had done with Gemma on Tenaya's cause.

"No! Flynn, stop!"

It was Summer. The panic-stricken blond ran towards them as Flynn brought the sword down on Tenaya. But it was not Tenaya that he hit.

"What? Summer, no!" The red mist faded as Flynn got a glimpse at what he had done. Summer was crying out in pain on the floor of his bedroom, a large gash on the side of her head. Flynn dropped the sword. "Summer, I'm so sorry!" He quickly jumped in surprise as a white mist floated down and, just for a second, encased Summer in a small silver case. When it disappeared, the gash was gone. Flynn stood up and helped Summer up too, bowing his head in shame.

"Summer, I- I don't know what to-"

"Flynn, look!"

Flynn turned around and what he saw made him gasp with delight. Sitting up on his bed, smiling with all her beauty, was Gemma.

"Gemma?" Flynn could say no more as he ran to hug his girlfriend. Gemma returned the gesture and looked up at him. "I saw what happened, Flynn. But you must learn this. It wasn't Tenaya's fault that I died. It was mine. I fought Venjix. I chose to save her. You shouldn't be blaming Tenaya." She smiled again. "But you know I will always love you anyway."

"I will too." Suddenly, Gemma screamed, a horrible, agonizing scream echoing from her throat. "Gemma, what's happening?"

"I shouldn't be here," Gemma gasped out. "I can only come here when I can come as a spirit. But here, I'm real. I couldn't be in my body anymore. I'm now getting punished. By agony. I can't leave right now. AAH!" The young girl screamed again, her body falling back into Flynn's arms. "I can't- it hurts-"

"GEMMA, HOLD ON!" Flynn shouted as loud as he could over her screams, but nothing worked. Gemma somehow got hold of the sword laying on the floor and held it up. "I can't got back unless I let it stop or I die again!"

"NO!" Flynn roared, wrestling the sword away from Gemma and throwing it back on the floor. Then he stood up and held Gemma securely in his arms. "I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE AGAIN!"

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