Chapter 2- A Spiritual Sendoff

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Flynn kept to himself the next day. He wouldn't talk to anyone, not even his closest friend Summer. That afternoon, Gem tried to talk with him.

"You all right?" Gem murmured as he sat down next to him in the chairs near his bed. Flynn shook his head. He hadn't even let the other Rangers bury Gemma; he had insisted on keeping her body in his room, so that he could remember her each day, and never forget. "I know how you feel. She was my sister, and when we were taken from our parents to Alphabet Soup, she was the only family I ever had since then."

Flynn shook his head again. "You don't know how I feel, man. I loved her. I thought we were going to have a life together and so did she. But then she left. Forever. She died saving Tenaya from Venjix." He took a deep breath as he turned towards Gemma, who was currently laying on his bed, as motionless and lifeless as ever. He sat on his bed and reached out to stroke her long, dark hair. "I never want to let her go. I can't move on."

Suddenly, Gem noticed a bright flash of white light in the corner of the room. He and Flynn looked up and their eyes widened in surprise as they saw a pale form of Gemma materialize there.

"G- Gemma?" Flynn gasped as he glanced toward the body on his bed, then at her real form. "Wh- what are you doing here?"

Gemma bowed her head. "I never formally got to say goodbye to each and every one of you." She sighed. "I can't stay long."

"I'll cherish any time with you," Flynn said instantly.

"I know, and though I am a spirit, I can make the moment seem real." At those words, Gemma leaned forward and hugged Flynn, tears falling from her eyes like a waterfall. "I love you and I always will. But don't let my death distract you from really living your own life. You still fight for the Earth and won't stop until Venjix is defeated." She pulled back so she could hug Gem too. "And you, my brother. You were right, we only had each other once we were taken to Alphabet Soup. But we escaped and we need to live our own lives now. I'm sorry I can't stay." As she pulled back again, Flynn took her hand in his. "Come on, let's go." He, Gemma, and Gem slowly walked out of the room and soon entered the garage. Summer, Dillon, Tenaya, Scott, Ziggy, and Dr. K were all talking sadly to each other and they all broke off when they noticed Gemma. Exclamations and cries of happiness filled the room as they all crowded around Gemma.

"Listen, guys, I can't stay long," she exclaimed. "I never really got to say goodbye; I was bleeding to death and I wanted to come back and formally say goodbye before I pass on."

First, she turned to Ziggy. "Zig, you were one of the funniest and energetic friends I have ever had. You brought joy into my life when I first came here and I will always admire your exciting spirit." Next, she stepped over to Scott. "Scott, no one could ask for a better leader than you. You led our team through many dark times and that will be remembered forever within me."

Scott shook his head. "No," he sighed. "I le you die. What kind of leader does that?"

Gemma's pale eyes flashed. "No, Scott, you didn't. You did what you could until my end." Scott opened his mouth to speak again, but by then, Gemma had moved on to Dillon.

"Dillon," she began. "You were always patient with Gem and I. Even when the virus started to take over and you hurt me, I knew you weren't meaning to. We all supported you to rescue Tenaya and I will never forget those times. And Tenaya," Gemma gently addressed the girl leaning on Dillon's shoulder. "I always knew you were meant to be back with us. I gave my life to save you because you were always worth saving. Never forget that, Tenaya. Never." Tenaya began to cry on Dillon's shoulder as she said this.

"Summer," Gemma had moved on to the pale blond girl. "You were always my best friend throughout my life. Even when we were the only female Rangers on this team, we stood by each other and always fought together." She gently leaned in for a hug and the two girls cried again as they broke apart.

"And Dr. K." Gemma shuddered slightly as she stood in front of the pale-skinned scientist. "You changed my life. I have always liked you from the moment we met at Alphabet Soup. You helped Gem and I escape and then let us become the Gold and Silver Rangers. I cannot describe the gratitude I feel for you right now."

Dr. K gave a small nod as she hugged the Silver Ranger. "I always made it my duty to protect you and I never let that waver. I'm only sorry that I didn't prevent Venjix from destroying you."

Gemma smiled a bit through her tears. "You couldn't have done more." She surveyed the team. "I love you all and I will always watch over you." She winked. "Maybe I can visit again one day." Everyone- Gem, Flynn, Ziggy, Dillon, Scott, Summer, and Tenaya -crowded around Gemma for a group hug. Then, Gemma began to fade. She smiled through tears once more at the Rangers as the last bit of her faded away.

Flynn ran back to his room, where he looked over the lifeless body of his beloved. "goodbye, Gemma. Forever. I'll never forget you."

Gem walked up beside him. "Feel better now?"

Flynn looked at him and wiped away a tear as he smiled for the first time since Gemma's death. "Yeah."

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