Chapter 5- The Damaging Fight

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When the Rangers ran out together, Gemma dropped into a corner on one side, watching the battle like a hawk.

"You want a piece of us?" Scott shouted angrily. "Well, come and get it!"

"Gladly!" Kilobyte retorted, and dashed toward them.

Gemma excitedly watched the battle unfold from the sidelines, longing to join in, but still remembering her promise to Flynn. But it did not seem to be going so well. Kilobyte whirled around and shot a blast at Gem and Dillon as they attacked him with swords and fire from behind him. The blast threw Gem and Dillon's attacks back at them and they went flying, demorphing as they hit the ground. Gemma gasped as she watched her brother struggle to regain his ability to stand.

Scott, Ziggy, and Flynn went next. As soon as Gem and Dillon were knocked back, they charged at Kilobyte, slashing with their swords. Kilobyte staggered and just when the two Rangers got ready to strike again, he swiped out at them with one clawed, metal hand. They staggered to the ground, also demorphing like the others. Gemma leaned forward with a desperate look in her eyes, wanting so much to help the only man she had ever had strong feelings for. But she and Gem had always sworn never to break any promises.

Now it was Summer's turn. The lone female Ranger took a defensive stance, as if simmering with fury under the yellow helmet that covered her face. With a roar, Kilobyte charged at her. Summer nimbly darted out of the way, but then, with perfect aim, he shot a series of dark blue rays at her. Summer demorphed like the others as she collapsed next to Dillon, who put an arm on her chest, as if trying to heal his wounded girlfriend.

"HA HA HA!" Kilobyte laughed. "I will rule the world!"

"Not so fast!" Gemma spat as she crawled out from the safety of the corner and stood defensively in front of the Rangers, holding up the hand that held her morpher.

Kilobyte crossed his arms. "You think you're going to stop me?" Especially with a controlled and malfunctioned morpher? he thought evilly.

Gemma glared at him before raising her arm. "RPM! Get in gear!"

But something was different. As she began to fly through the passage that helped her morph, a stabbing, scratching pain seared through Gemma, making her moan as she finished morphing. Now she felt exhausted now, but still wanted to ight more and defend her friends. She heard Kilobyte laugh and with rage, she flew at him, punching his chest multiple times until he grabbed her right arm and twisted it until a crack split the air. Gemma's mouth opened in a silent scream and she demorphed on her own accord, so she could nurse her injured arm for a moment. But there was no time. Kilobyte stormed toward her again and kicked her feet out from under her. He laughed again as she collapsed at his feet and Gemma heard Flynn yelling at her to back off; that she was going to die again if she wasn't careful. But what he didn't know is that it was what she wanted. If she died again, she would have better luck as a spirit and be able to visit and fight again more often.

"Let me go!" she shouted back to him. "I'll have better luck if I die again!"

"WHAT?!" Gemma didn't answer and made no move to do anything as she felt Kilobyte's club strike her chest hard. She bit her tongue to prevent herself from screaming. As she got to her feet, blood dripping from her mouth, she grabbed her morpher and managed to shoot a blast at Kilobyte, who screamed in terror as he was destroyed. Then she fell to the ground, her gaze clouding.

"Gemma!" Dillon and Summer both stood up and made their way over to the fallen Gemma, with Dillon supporting the injured Summer on his shoulder. Gem came next, slowly followed by Ziggy, Scott, and Flynn, rising up off the ground and bolting over to his sister as though he was on fire.

"Sis!" Gem cried, looking down at his twin. He knelt down beside her and pulled her into his arms. "Gemma, please. You already made me lose half of myself when you left me the first time and I can't bear losing my sister yet again! We did everything together. Come, let us keep it that way."

Gemma looked at him sadly. "Let. Me. Go. If I am allowed to leave, I can still come back as a spirit now. My body will fade and let me return to you in the times that you need me most. In those times, I will be there in full glory. If anything happens to me, I will be able to feel it. If I die once again, I will not be able to return to you for 3 months. But let's pray that we will defeat Venjix and his followers soon."

Flynn knelt down next to Gem and gently pulled Gemma towards him. He gave her a kiss and she blushed. "I will always love you," he murmured "It won't matter where either of us are. And I will keep as many pictures of you as I can and I'll be looking forward to the days when I see you again."

Gemma nodded. "I love you too. And all the Rangers are like a family to me." Her eyes searched each and every member of the team. "I will see you guys soon." With those words, she closed her eyes and took one last mournful breath. Flynn hugged her close to him as her bleeding body faded away and he was left holding a small sparkle in his left hand.

Flynn looked up, his eyes glistening with tears as he spotted the morpher that Gemma had left behind. He grabbed it and turned it over in his hands. Then he called on his own morpher. "Dr. K?"

Dr. K's voice crackled out from his morpher. "What is it, Flynn?"

Flynn's voice cracked as he said the words, but he forced them out of his mouth. "Gemma died again."

"What? What do you mean, again?"

"What I mean is that she came back to us in her own body, able to feel anything. Then she somehow ended up punished with pain as a result of it when she had appeared in my room. We allowed her to watch the battle and only to morph and/or fight if we were losing. And we were. She went down right after she destroyed Kilobyte. She will return soon and be like she was today before the spiritual punishment and if she dies again then, she won't be able to return again for 3 months."

For a moment, Dr. K didn't answer; she was rattled by everything that had been happening. One of her closest friends keeps dying and coming back? Inconceivable! She spoke again, "Come back to the lab and rest. We can ponder this overnight."

Flynn nodded before shutting off his morpher and leading the Rangers back to the base, where they all went to bed.

And that night, every single member of the team, even Dr. K and Tenaya, were dreaming about having Gemma back once again.

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