Chapter 4- Bleeding Emotionally

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"Gemma, just let it stop! I can't bear to see you die again!" Flynn yelled desperately, cradling her gently in his arms. Or in this much pain, he thought wretchedly.

Gemma shook her head. "It's not that easy. I can still feel anything again when I'm in the real world, even as a spirit. We can't make it stop unless-" Gemma was cut off as another spasm gripped her body and she let out a pitiful cry.

"Unless what?"

"Unless... we use that medicine that Dr. K had for the hybrids," she gasped out before returning to her own painful world.

"Summer!" Flynn called to her.


"Run and grab one of the other vials of the antidote used for the hybrids and bring it back! Please!"

Summer looked confused. "Why?"

"It's the only way to temporarily save Gemma until we can stabilize her again!" he snapped.

Summer stepped back. "Geez, Flynn! But okay, I'll get it." She ran out of the room. Then Flynn looked back down at Gemma who had stopped thrashing around and was shivering as she lay in his arms, moaning and whimpering. He leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "You'll be okay, Gemma," he murmured. "No matter what happens, I will always stand by your side."


Kilobyte quickly looked around to make sure no one was watching, then slipped back out of the shadows. The garage door was open, but was slowly closing. He shaped himself into a tiny wheel before slipping under the garage door and unfolding again.

"Aah!" he sighed. "I'm finally in! Now, where's that morpher control panel?" He paused and began to search for it, careful not to make a mess or a sound to let the Rangers or their mentor, the genius Dr. K, know that he was here. He just needed to hack into the morphing system and modify one of the morphers to make it extremely painful when they morphed. He laughed quietly. It would be the first one he came across. But, to start with, he had to find the controller.

Suddenly, he spotted a large black keyboard over in the corner of the garage. It was connected to a screen that was blinking repeatedly to show a picture each time of one of the Rangers and a description of their personality and weapons. He ambled over to it, walking carefully so that he disturbed nothing. When he got there, he saw a large blue button at the corner of the keyboard. If he pressed it, it would stop the pictures. Kilobyte laughed again and slammed his hand down on the button and immediately, the flow of images stopped, sticking onto one picture: the Silver Ranger. Kilobyte looked closer at it and saw the description. He began to read:

"'Silver Ranger. Real name: Gemma. Last name unknown. Dead, but is still a Ranger due to unexpected circumstances involving spirits. Girlfriend of Ranger Operator Series Blue. Hugely sensitive to pain.'" He read no further and proceeded to change her morpher around. When he was done, he stepped back to admire his computer work. Now, when Gemma morphed, it would cause her a huge amount of pain, but it would also compel her to fight. And each moment she fought, the weaker she would get. He laughed maniacally. But suddenly, he heard footsteps coming towards him. He immediately changed into a wheel again and rolled out of the garage unnoticed as the Yellow Ranger, Summer, came into view and ran inside Dr. K's lab.

Back in Flynn's room...

"I've got it!" Summer exclaimed as she ran into the room holding a small, bright green injector. She knew instinctively what to do and walked over to Flynn and jammed the injector right into a bare spot on Gemma's arm. Gemma screamed for a moment, but eventually, her crying and pain subsided and she went quiet.

But it was not time to celebrate yet. The alarm went off and they heard Dr. K from the other room shouting "It's Kilobyte! Get out there!"

"On our way, Doc!" As Summer ran out of the room, (Tenaya stayed because fighting was hard for her now) Flynn put Gemma down and lifted up her face so that her eyes met his. Then he gave her the Silver morpher that was hers. "You're coming," he told her. "But you will stay on the sidelines and only morph and fight if it looks like we're losing. Got it?" he added sternly. Gemma nodded, still excited at the prospect of even holding her morpher again. Flynn quickly checked on Tenaya and apologized to her and Tenaya generously forgave him and wished him good luck. Then Flynn morphed and he and the unmorphed Gemma ran out the door.

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