[13] Amends

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This cave held all that was left of their kin. Asgard was here. This was it. As Fandral spoke with some of the men,  Ashildyr sat alone in the hollow of a small corner. The pain in her torso was merely a ghost now,  and she lifted her tunic to examine the scar. Her fingertips grazed it lightly and she frowned. It was a scar she would have to bear. She earned it saving the man she loved.

In the back of her mind, the memory kept playing over and over. There was a night in the city where feasts were celebrated. This was long after what happened after Vanaheim's festivities, she reminded herself. She had sat a few tables away from Volstagg and Fandral, the latter of whom had both arms adorned with women. He laughed and exchanged whispers with each of them in turn,  entertaining the feast.

She did her best to hide it: her envy, her fury.  She drowned it in mead, in the voice of an accuser that promised her a prison, a life sentence. One that she deserved. Because how could she not know her own husband,  the man she loved above all others? How could she not know his eyes,  his face,  the slant of his nose and the keeness in his stride? Hadn't it been different that night in the hallway?

Ashildyr wished the memory away as the man himself, the man she'd vowed to love into eternity, appeared in her line of sight. "May I?" he gestured to the vacant space beside her, his eyes filled with concern and...fear.
She nodded, shifting slightly. "I was just..."
"Remembering," he smiled fondly before meeting her gaze. "I've been doing some of that myself, of late."
She shook her head,  "You Asgardians never cease to amaze me with your... formality."
He leaned in and wriggled his brow in a way that charmed her still. "And you Midgardians never cease to stifle me with your... observations."
They laughed. It was nice, to freely let the walls melt at the aligning of two hearts.
"Fandral, I... "
Fandral took her hand and turned to face her. "Wait. I know you've got some things you want to say, but I...I need you to hear something first."
She blinked. She had to be strong.
"Okay," she tried to sound sure.
Fandral drew in a long,  nervous breath. "Ashildyr, I...I was a fool. I was cruel to you,  I didn't trust you as I promised I would. And I am sorry. Beyond anything."
She smiled giddily and touched his cheek with her palm. "Fandral, my Dashing Prince. Always." Tears slicked her cheeks. His gloved hand wiped them away.

She took his hand and kissed it. He relished the moment, before parting his lips to speak again. But this time, his tone was grave.
"There is something else," he said against her fingertips. She sat up and forward.
"What is it?"
He wet his lips as he tried to chuckle, to ease her as he always had done with his charm. But he saw it wasn't going to work this time. Her fear was already there.
"I...I resided in Valhalla, but not for long. Odin has graced me with a second chance to save Asgard...and to make amends. To find you."
She recoiled from him as if he'd cursed her.
"Fandral, what're you saying? You...you died? You died and I... I didn't even know-"
He flashed her a smile. "I would have preferred it that way anyway,  love. But I now remember everything. I remember and I won't forget this time. I won't forget you. I came back for you. I couldn't bear to watch Asgard die and when Odin had given me my memories back, oh Hildyr, I couldn't bear to watch you die."

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