2. Alignment

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Yoongi immediately got up and took the phone, leaving the room. His expression was nowhere near okay and they both noticed.

Agitated above anything else, Yoongi opened the main door of their apartment and walked into the hallway. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and tapped the button to take it, "I told you not to call unless it was emergency so it better be fucking good."

"Is this Yoongi?" The voice Yoongi was hearing was totally different from Jungkook's.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi questioned.

No response.

There was a light ruffling sound from the other line. "Jimin-ah? Who are you calling? Can you come here already?" Said a familiar voice. It must have been Jungkook. "Jagi?.."

Yoongi cringed a little more than he should have. 'Don't tell me that was his..' If it was, he wondered if he should be worried.

"Yoongi?!" Jungkook almost yelled into the phone, and he could hear movement on the other line.

"Yah.. why is your boyfriend calling me at this hour? Why do you even still have my number?" He was obviously kidding but Yoongi was just a tad bit furious. What possible reason could lead Jungkook's current boyfriend to be calling him--Jungkook's ex--at this hour?

"He's not.. uh, sorry Yoongi." Jungkook seemed off, and even if they hadn't seen each other in a while, Yoongi still knew him.

"Jungkook, I know you didn't call, but I can tell something's up. What is it? Just tell me." Yoongi stuck a hand in his pocket as he leaned back onto the wall. He clasped the phone tight in his hand.

"I.." He was trailing off.

"Just ask him." Jungkook's 'boyfriend' egged on in the background.

"I can't ask that of him.." Jungkook mumbled. Yoongi actually felt bad.

"Jungkook. Enough with the bullshit. Just tell me what's going on." Yoongi was surprised at how he was being. Back when he knew him, Jungkook would've just blurted it out like a kid.

"I.. I fucked up.. bad.." Jungkook mumbled.

"And how exactly?" Yoongi was getting worried and impatient.

Yoongi heard rustling on the other side, "He's hurt really bad! The owner of the building.. he kicked us out. You know he can't go to the hospital, right?" The other man said, apparently he had grabbed the phone from Jungkook.

Yoongi stood there silently, had Jungkook already told this guy what he was? It took years for him to find out the truth. "What.."

"Please! We need a place to stay.. and I can't take him to the hospital!" The stranger sounded extremely frantic and concerned. "If you care about him at all, you'll help him! Please..He's bleeding everywhere and I—"

"Where are you guys?" Yoongi asked.


The car ride was as silent as it could be with seven people. After finding out where Jungkook and his boyfriend were, he called Namjoon since they would need transportation——Jin's van. Worried as all hell, Taehyung insisted he came, and Hoseok seemed to want to come along for the ride, too. There was space for it.

Yoongi sat in the back next to Jungkook who was also next to his boyfriend. Beforehand, they had already wrapped Jungkook's arms so that it wouldn't bleed, but they were going to have to take care of it fully at home.

Awkwardly Yoongi looked out the window, refusing to look at the two huddled up like lovers afraid they were going to leave each other.

A part of him admittingly missed the guy. Even if he were just a friend now. It was hard not to remember the good times. It was like he changed completely in three years. He was such a kid then, and now.. it's like puberty crashed a whole train onto him. The guy was taller, his chubby face was gone, even his muscles.. existed. 

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