5. Starship

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"Let's have a practice session soon!" Namjoon said gleefully.

Yoongi sat next to Jimin who was eating very slowly. That and he noticed Jimin really hadn't touched his food at all. "Jimin, stare at the thing any longer, and it'll eat itself out of embarrassment."

Jimin shot up like he had just awoken from a dream. Yoongi figured he probably was zoning out.

"Oh, ah, sorry, hyung!" Jimin smiled as he grabbed the chopsticks to continue eating.

"No need to apologize." Yoongi said as softly as he could. He noticed that Hoseok was glancing at them, but Yoongi was too concerned about Jimin.

When Namjoon was finished eating he called over those who were done eating—Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok—and discussed something with them in the living room. Something about needing another rapper. From a distance, Yoongi could see Hoseok volunteering and nodding as Namjoon continued to speak.

Yoongi watched Jimin, but didn't want to hover too much, so he picked at his own food. Jimin seemed to eat at a faster pace, but it was like he hated every second of it. Yoongi, however, didn't bring it up, "Jimin, I'm really excited to hear you sing. I still can't believe you both were the ones on our group. What a coincidence."

Jimin smiled happily, "It's really like fate, right?"

Yoongi tilted his head to the side, grinning, but immediately his attention was caught by Hoseok. He wasn't doing anything in particular. All he did was sit back down. Something in the air around him just seemed completely off, but nothing was wrong about him. Maybe the timing was right even, but even Hoseok seemed bothered by it, too.

Yoongi really had no idea what was going on with him. If only he could ask without seeming weird. Yoongi looked over to Namjoon who was talking to Jungkook about something and wondered if it was related at all.

He took a deep breathe, and glanced at Jimin who was staring right at Hoseok. He couldn't see Jimin's face, but he knew he was. Something was definitely going wrong. Part of Yoongi grew fearful, afraid that if he turned Jimin around right now it wouldn't have been him. It would have been something evil.

Yoongi froze completely.

That wasn't Jimin sitting next to him. He knew it wasn't. Someone else was.

Yoongi felt something was about to happen, but he couldn't force himself enough to pull out his phone. It was like even he was being watched, and that if he turned attention to him, he'd surely have been killed.

'Don't turn around. Please don't turn around.' Yoongi repeated over and over.

One sudden movement and Yoongi's attention was drawn to reality. Shaking his head and blinking a few times to see Jimin had done something. The others looked to see what was going on, too. Everyone except Hoseok. Jimin was holding his hand with his other one, and only when Yoongi got up, he noticed that he was bleeding.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Jin asked from across the table incredibly concerned.

Jimin bit his lip as Yoongi got him a few paper towels. Jungkook immediately ran to the both of them while Namjoon and Taehyung stayed put, only watching everything happen. Namjoon, however, watched Taehyung carefully. The guy looked like he was about to lose his shit.

Yoongi turned to Jin to signal him to get Taehyung out of here, and right away he did so, even though Taehyung seemed reluctant at first. Namjoon, too, went along with them.

Hoseok only got up, but stayed back.

"Jeez, what happened, Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi noticed that he was incredibly calm, but didn't ask about it.

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