Chap 3

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I really wished my intuition wasn't so good. I really wished I wasn't so good at predicting the future.

[A/N: I know what you're thinking darling, but for this on story, let's imagine I am the one with the flawless intuition, and you are the clueless lamb, not the other way around. XP]

We were all just sitting around, waiting for class to start, when suddenly, the teacher entered, with a girl behind him. She was the girl from yesterday, but Jungkook hadn't noticed her yet. He was busy sketching. She introduced herself as Na Areum to the class, and then made her way to the seat behind Jungkook and sat down. Jungkook never noticed her though. I shook my head at him. He truly was hopeless at times. I followed him around all day, like I always do.

Suddenly, during lunch, as Jungkook sat with his friends, Areum suddenly approached the table. I glanced around and saw that all the other seats in the cafeteria were already taken.

"Umm. May I sit here?" She asked and Hwayoung immediately nodded. Jungkook however, was just staring out the window, not looking at her. "I am Na Areum, nice to meet you!" She suddenly exclaimed, greeting the others cheerfully. The others all greeted her, just as cheerfully. When he still didn't speak up, the table grew silent, everyone staring at him. The sudden silence caught his attention and he turned to them when he noticed her.

"Oh, it's you!" He exclaimed. She smiled widely when he recognized her.

"Ne, it's me!" She replied cheekily. "Anyway, I am Areum. What's your name?" She asked when he didn't introduce himself.

"Ah, right, I am Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." He replied, smiling. I smiled too. This was probably the first girl Jungkook didn't feel too shy around. Maybe, she can help him overcome his shyness over girls? I was hopeful.

As I had thought, the new girl indeed did become an important part of Jungkook's life, and there was no way I could stop it. The two soon grew so close, they were practically inseparable. At the beginning, I was really happy for him. I was relieved to know that as shy as he is, he still managed to make more friends. But, somewhere along the way, jealousy reared its head. I found myself wishing it was me and not her.

I watched with a sad smile playing on my lips as Jungkook pulled the girl into a hug, holding on to her like he would never see her again. I found myself wishing it were me in his arms, not him, and I knew not where that thought came from. I know I should be happy for him, for them, but I simply couldn't find it in myself.

I guess it's true, what they say. The heart grows fonder the more time you spend with someone. And I have spent my entire life at his side. Pity, he never knew, and he will never know. That's the curse of us angels. We can't show ourselves unless the person we are guarding is in danger. Rotten rule really. I can't be there for him on his birthdays, I can't be there to double his happiness, I can't be there to share in his sadness, I can't be there to lend him a shoulder when he feels overwhelmed, and I can't be there for him, comforting him when he desperately needs someone. All I can do is stare. Just stare as he goes through it all alone. Stare as he leans onto her in times of need, while I just stand by, forever invisible to him.

But, despite all this, I loved my life. I loved how I had grown attached to this child I once met. I loved how I was privy to every moment of his life. I loved how I got to spend every moment of his life with him. I loved how I could watch over him and protect him every day. And, I was also growing to love how I could show myself to him these days. I had no idea how this development came about, and though I was curious, I was just happy. I was ecstatic.

I looked back at the two, remaining invisible. Jungkook had decided to audition for the K3 Superstar show, and had to leave to Seoul for the same. He would be leaving his friends behind. Areum was really tearing up at this point. But, she never once tried to stop him, supporting his dreams.

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