Chap 2

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It had been years since that encounter with Jungkook. We had met several times ever since. And a year later, after my training, I had remained with him, never leaving. I was always by his side, day in and day out. This should have meant that we were really close. That we knew everything about each other. That we cared a lot about each other.

It was all true, but only on my side. I knew everything about him. I cared a lot about him. I was there when he graduated from elementary. I was with him on his first day in middle school. I was there when he agonized over cuts and bruises he got from playing. I was there when he held back his tears whenever someone bullied him. But him, he didn't even know about my presence. I only ever showed myself when he was in danger. When he needed saving.

But, he never forgot. Till date, he still wears the pendant necklace I gave him. He would hold on to it tight whenever he was sad or happy. At times, he talked to the pendant like he was talking to me. Like he is doing now, holding on to the pendant with a soft smile on his face.

"Eun-mi noona. Today is the day. I decided to man up. Talk to her. Maybe she will like me back. Maybe she won't. But, I will never know if I never approach her, right?" I smiled fondly at him. He was finally growing up, approaching the girl he likes. He will finally make friends. He talked some more and I patiently listened, sitting right next to him, and nodding at all the right places like he could see me.

I followed him around all day, like I always do, protecting him from his bullies whenever they crossed the line. I wished I could stop them from bullying Jungkook permanently, but I couldn't reveal myself. And besides, Jungkook was only growing stronger as he faced those bullies every day. I watched with a soft smile as Jungkook finally gathered some courage and approached the girl.

"Hwayoung sshi." He called softly. She turned towards him, smiling brightly when she saw who it was.

"Oh, Jungkook sshi. How can I help you?" She asked and he motioned towards the empty chair next to her.

"Mind if I sit here? I can't really concentrate well from the back." He asked softly, gesturing towards the chaos at the back as explanation. She chuckled when she saw the mess at the back and immediately motioned for him to sit down.

"So, you do talk. I honestly thought you were mute!" She exclaimed softly. Jungkook immediately blushed softly and she just chuckled. I smiled as I saw the two talking. I could see them growing really close to each other given some time. And, I was right. They grew really close. Like they had known each other since they were both kids.

I was sitting beside them again, watching over Jungkook as the two studied in the library. Suddenly, his bullies approached him again. I had a bad feeling about this and was about to show myself when Hwayoung beat me to it.

"I have told you before, and I'm telling you again. Stay away from us if this is how you are going to behave." She snapped before grabbing Jungkook's hand and pulling him away. I thought the boys were going to follow them, and I was right. I wondered if I should help, but decided to see how those two handled the situation. If it got serious, I would step in.

The boys were about to step into the room Hwayoung and Jungkook were, when they stopped upon hearing voices. I stopped right behind them.

"Didn't you say you like Jinwoo, Hwayoung ah? Then, why do you keep avoiding him?" I head Jungkook ask. I could detect a bit of sadness in his voice, but he was masking it well. If I didn't know him as well as I do, I would never have detected it.

"I do. A lot. But, this is not who he is. This is not who I fell for. This is not whom I like." She answered and I could imagine Jungkook's confused expression.

"He isn't? You were talking about someone else? Is there another Jinwoo in our school?" I heard him ask and I chuckled. Only you, Jungkook, only you!

"Aish, paboya! He is the one I like, but he has changed. He wasn't a bully back then. I can't stand him now, seeing him turning into a worse bully with each passing day." She replied. I looked down at Jinwoo. He looked happy but sad at the same time.

I smiled to myself, knowing this girl would be the one to change this bully and bring him back onto the right path. Jinwoo was still young. He could still learn. He could still change. He still had time. And, again, I was right. Over the next few weeks, his bullying ways had stopped completely. And today, for some strange reason, Jungkook had decided to befriend Jinwoo. And, I had to say, I was proud of him. Facing his fears, he was thinking about befriending the one who had tormented him.

"Is this seat free?" I head Jungkook's voice and turned my attention to the two. Jinwoo looked up towards Jungkook, and I could see he was about to push him away, but then, he looked towards Hwayoung before looking back at Jungkook and nodding.

"I heard you're good at maths?" Jungkook asked and Jinwoo just nodded, not looking at Jungkook.

"Great! I am crap at it. Can you help me out?" Jungkook asked. Jinwoo looked reluctant, but agreed nonetheless. "Great! See you in the library after lunch? We all have a free hour then!" Jungkook asked and then, without waiting for an answer, got out his books and started scribbling. Jinwoo just shrugged.

At lunch, I saw him waiting in the library sitting by himself at a table. And, I also saw him eyes widen when he saw Hwayoung with Jungkook. "Come on, he told me he will help!" Jungkook exclaimed, pulling Hwayoung along. I chuckled when I saw both of them look at each other, and then look away, both blushing. And, I laughed when I saw Jungkook scowling at the two.

Of course, as time went by, Jungkook made more friends, and he grew really close to Jinwoo too. And today, they were all sitting in a cafe, celebrating Jinwoo's birthday, when suddenly, Jungkook asked. "But Jinwoo, why exactly did you bully be back then?" He seemed genuinely curious.

Jinwoo looked away guiltily, and a bit embarrassed too. "I was jealous." He mumbled softly. And though I heard it clearly, I knew none of the others did.

"Huh?" Hwayoung asked. "What was that?" Hyuk, one of their friends asked.

"I was jealous." He repeated, a bit louder. Jungkook, of course, looked confused, while Hyuk just laughed.

"You bullied him because you were jealous? Dude! They are like siblings! Why would you even..." He laughed and Jinwoo just blushed deeply. When Jungkook still looked confused, Hyuk just shook his head at his cluelessness before explaining.

"Jinwoo here was jealous of your closeness to Hwayoung, and so he bullied you. This guy has a seriously huge crush on Hwayoung." He stated in a teasing tone. Jungkook just smiled widely.

"Well, that's great! Hwayoung likes you too. You two should get together already!" Jungkook stated excitedly while looking at Jinwoo. The two looked away, blushing deeply. The two did get together eventually. A week later, they were all walking to the gates on their way home when a girl suddenly ran into him, sending them both tumbling down.

Jungkook immediately stood up before helping her up. "Oh, sorry, I didn't see you there." He stated softly, bowing down in apology. He was still shy around girls. She just shook her head.

"No, it's okay. I wasn't looking where I was going either." She smiled at him. Suddenly, she looked behind us, bowed at him before running away towards a car waiting by the gates.

But, why do I feel like she is gonna be a huge part of Jungkook's life?

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