Chap 4

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I waited in line, a bit nervous, as I waited for my turn to audition. I looked around the hall and saw many people on the phone or with friends, being encouraged. I sighed. I had no one by my side to provide any comfort or support when I needed it. Suddenly the door opened and my number was called out. I walked to the room, my nervousness increasing with each step I took.

As I entered the room, I saw five people sitting at a table, papers in front of them. The moment our eyes met, I knew just what I had gotten myself into. I got cold feet and not a word left my lips. I could see the judges already judging me, but I couldn't speak up. I couldn't sing or utter a word. That's when a guy standing beside me spoke up.

"I know you're nervous, but this could be a chance for you to achieve your dreams. I am sure you are a great singer. So, don't let your dreams fly away just because you got nervous."

While becoming an idol was never my dream, being close to Jungkook was, and the only way to achieve that was by becoming an idol. The thought of finally being able to befriend Jungkook gave me strength, but not enough that I could overcome my nervousness. The thought that someone was looking at me, judging me right from the moment I stepped into the room got me flustered. In the end, I couldn't utter a word and just stepped back, motioning for the guy beside me to sing instead.

I gave the guy who tried to cheer me up a small smile and mouthed a hwaiting at him before looking away, waiting for him to sing.

He sang really well, and I could say he would get selected. After he received the comments from the judges, we both bowed at them before leaving the room, I never looked the judges in the eyes though. I then bowed at him and left the building before he could say anything, heading to Jungkook's dorm again. I guess, if he got selected, I would be seeing him someday soon on a big screen.

A few days later, I roamed around on the streets, trying to help the boys find Taehyung who had managed to get lost in the crowd. And, as I was walking, I saw a group of people and saw Taehyung standing there. Thankfully, he hadn't debuted yet, and so, no one recognized him. I stayed by his side, knowing the boys were nearby and will find Taehyung soon.

Instead, I turned my attention towards the people in front of us. They seemed to be preparing for a performance. I looked at the banners they were holding up. They are trying to raise money for a friend. I smiled softly. That was a good deed they were doing, working hard just so their friend could study too. It was definitely surprising since it was rather hard to come by generous people these days. I saw a girl slowly walking to the mike. She was shaking.

I waited for her to sing, hoping she would overcome her nervousness soon. But, she didn't. She was reminding me of myself, her eyes cast downwards, not daring to look the crowd in the eyes. I could see, she was scared of judgement. But, I could also see she was desperate. I made up my mind and making sure no one would notice my sudden appearance, I turned visible again.

I slowly walked up to the stage and after casting a reassuring smile at the girl, walked over to her other friends who stood with instruments. I softly told them which song to play and then grabbed two mikes. I walked over to the girl and gave her a mike, flashing a bright smile at her, before looking at the crowd. As soon as the music started playing, everyone in the crowd started murmuring among themselves and the girl shot me a panicked look.

"Just sing along with me?" I asked her softly, and though she looked nervous, she agreed.

I started singing the first lines of the song Good Day, smiling all the while. I then motioned for her to sing the next lines, and she did. I smiled reassuringly at her as she kept shooting me looks. "You're doing well." I murmured and she shot me a small smile. I joined her as she started singing the chorus. She had a deep voice, while I had a soft one. It was really off. But we made it work somehow. Who cares if it was good or not, as long as they get to raise enough money for their friend?

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