Chap 5

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Eun Mi's POV:

I followed silently behind Lucas as he pulled me. It's not like I was a silent person. It's just; Lucas wouldn't shut up or stop running. So, I gave up on talking and just listened to him. He suddenly came to a stop causing me to almost fall, if not for someone suddenly catching me, holding me up. I looked up to see a girl who looked around my age. She had huge eyes that looked really pretty. With her fringes framing her round face, she looked adorable.

"Oh! Min-ji!" Lucas exclaimed, before pulling her into a hug. She immediately pushed him away and scowled. He kept trying to squish her and pull her cheeks while she kept avoiding his hands. They seemed to have forgotten I was still there. I wondered if I should just leave, but that would seem really rude. I instead gave them some time, but after a few minutes, I was still standing there while those two continued to ignore me. I coughed slightly to get their attention instead and they both turned to me immediately. Well... That was easy...

"Oh! Right, you are still here." Lucas muttered and I raised my eyebrows. He cast a look at the girl who was now standing beside him, looking annoyed. I chuckled when she moved away when she could feel his gaze on her. He pouted once then turned back to me.

"Anyway! This is Min-ji. The one who recorded your video." He introduced and suddenly the girl turned her attention to me.

"Oh! It is you!" She exclaimed and when I turned to her, she smiled brightly. "Oh, I did record part of your performance, but I wasn't the one who spread it. Someone else did." She stated and I nodded. "Anyways, I was so excited about meeting you in person! It feels like I met a celebrity!" She exclaimed and I chuckled. She then suddenly blushed. "I am sorry for not recognizing. I was... Occupied." She stated as she scowled at Lucas. I nodded.

"Ne! He can be a bit annoying..." I agreed. "Hey!" Lucas shouted as we both just giggled. "Anyway, come along. I will take you to your training room. If you trust him to lead you, you will reach there sometime next month!" She exclaimed, before grabbing one of my bags. I followed her as we walked away, leaving Lucas in the hallway.

"So, how long have you been a trainee here?" I asked her, just to start up a conversation.

"Just a little over 6 months." She replied with a bright smile. I nodded and smiled back. She was a bubbly person when away from Lucas. "And, if you turn into that right in the front, it will lead you to the cafeteria. But, we don't really find much time to hang out there. Oh, and to the left, we have a room with a large TV and sofas for us to chill out." She pointed out as we walked past and I nodded, trying to remember everything.

"Where exactly are we headed to now?" I asked her as we continued to pass by several training rooms. She smiled as she came to a stop in front of a door.

"Vocal training!" She replied as she pushed the door open led me in. The moment I stepped into the room, everyone started staring and whispering. But, then, Min-ji started talking.

"Can you believe it? She is finally joining us today! And she is going to train with us. We get to watch her sing everyday! It is gonna be like watching a concert from the first row! I am so excited!" She exclaimed and everyone chuckled at her excitement. I chuckled at her too before turning to the others.

"Please tell me she won't be like this forever."

"You'll just have to get used to it soon." One of them replied and I pouted. She chuckled before stepping forward. "Just kidding. Give it a day or two. She'll calm down." She replied and I smiled in relief. "And, I am Ha Rin." She introduced herself. I smiled and bowed down in greeting. I could tell she was elder than me.

"Annyeong Ha Rin sshi. I am Eun mi." I introduced and smiled at the others in the room too. And before long, we were all taking turns, singing our hearts out, helping each other when needed. It turned out that as good as I am at hitting those notes, I had no talent what so ever when it came to singing party songs. But, I am glad I landed myself in a good place. The fellow trainees all helped me out. And in return, I helped out when it came to hitting high or long notes.

And soon, before long, I was put on the stage as a back-up singer or dancer. The first few times, I often choked up and froze on the stage. But over time, like the CEO had predicted, I got used to the stage. I felt at home when I performed on the stage these days. And in the meanwhile, Min-ji and Ha-rin had both released singles.

Soon, the trainers deemed me prepared for debut. So, it was no surprise when I was asked to record a song and release my own single too. But it definitely was a surprise when a week after the release of my single, Min-ji, Ha-rin and I were introduced to the public as a trio who would be making our debut soon.

The Bangtan Boys were making their debut next week, and we were scheduled to debut a month later. Of course, I was there for their debut stage. And I dragged my fellow trainees along. We did garner some attention, but not much, for which we were thankful. We wanted to enjoy the last few weeks before debut as much as we could.

A/N - any guesses about the trio name????

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