Hybrid (Sam and Dean x Reader)

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I stumbled through the woods, my black jeans soaked from mud and blood. No I hadn't killed anyone; if I did I wouldn't he so confused. Tall trees swayed in the wind, water droplets ran down the dark green leaves. Leaving a rich smell of wet soil. My eyes scanned the area; the jet black sky reminded me of a blanket. It wouldn't be so creepy of I knew where I was. A smooth feathery black crow cried out to its forest friends, it's coal black eyes followed me. Like a painting on the wall. Numerous other animals return the bird's shriek.

I noticed one was a howl; but it was no wolf. I reached into my pocket, pulling out an angel blade. Werewolf. Leaves floated in the wind, like an unconcerned person. I constrained my back against an old oak tree; drawing in a quick breath. Biting down on my lip, I pressed the blade against my arm drawing blood. The thick crimson liquid dripped down my arm, it was warm. Warm like a heater. With the wind fighting against me it made the wound sting horribly. Along with the gashes on my knees.

I wasn't used to being wounded, I could usually heal myself. Gritting my teeth I dragged my feet along the leaf covered ground, a blood trail following. I reeked badly of that iron scent. The crow cried out once again; I gave it a glaring eye only making it cock it's head. Nothing replied; my eyes shot back at the crow. It was gone. The sheet of leaves crunched, loud inhaling came from the bushes. I grasped my hand around the angel blade continuing to walk.

"Come 'ere little doggy..." I teased, snickering softly but painfully. A flash of brown hair flew past my line of sight. I lashed around narrowing my eyes. The darkened trees shifted, I backed farther and farther towards a hall. Once at the top I lowered my weapon turning around.

The road was damp, had pot holes and most of all it was empty. I twirled the blade in my hand walking along the side of the road. A nice engine purred, one that I've heard before. The Winchesters. I stopped taking my eyes off my bleeding arm and to the approaching Impala. The black car came to a screeching halt; the passenger door opened. A man with medium long hair and brown eyes climbed out. He glanced at the driver them rushed to my aid.

"Sammy, did she say anything?" Dean yelled, smiling, but he looked worried.

"No, nothing. She's wounded." Sam replied, he pushed himself off the ground turning to the other male.

"What's your name?" The eldest Winchester asked, leaning against his car.

"(Y/N), I'm a hybrid of Angel and Demon." Both Sam and Dean exchanged looks.

"Why are you here?"

"They're after me," I replied, "I'm neither on Heaven nor hell's side. They want me dead. "

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