Movies and Chips [Adam x Reader]

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"Sam? You never told me you and Dean have a half brother..." Sam dreaded the day when you would find out they had another sibling. And it wasn't someone who was a hunter or knew all this ghost crap. It was just a normal kid who would have a normal life. So when you walked in ranting about it Sam couldn't help but sigh and throw a glance over at Dean who shook his head and climbed to his feet. "How come you didn't tell me?"

The Youngest Winchester sighed rubbing his temple, "We didn't tell you because he can't know about us. He isn't a hunter like Dean and I are. He's a scrawny kid who can barely make it to school on time."

I scratched the back of my neck toying with my hair little by little, twirling it around my finger, "Oh.." The male before me shot up squinting, suspicion painted across his face.  Before he had a chance to ask I answered, "Well..there was someone on the phone asking for your father. I asked who it was and they said John Winchester's son. Then we spoke for about ten minutes."

"Damn it, (Y/N). What'd he say?"

"Umm well he was asking about help for the monster living under his mother's bed. He said something about it trying to take his mum." That woke something up in Sam, who immediately stood and walked out of the room to find the phone. I watched him leave, walking over sitting down opening Sam's laptop. Logging into my chat account and smiled.

Adam M: So did they fall for it?

(Y/N): Sure did, gullible little boys. How far away are you?

Adam M: About ten minutes or so. I'm taking the back way so when they leave they won't see me. I bought some pop and chips, a few movies too. One has Chris Pratt.

(Y/N): Has to be a good movie then. I'll see you soon. Be careful not to run into them. Dean will get delirious if he learns I've invited someone to the bunker.

Adam: Don't worry. I think I got it handled. ;)

I shut the laptop after logging off and sat it back in the spot it was in before, not even ten minutes later Sam picked the thing up as he left. Giving me a gentle hug and walking out the door after his brother. I couldn't help but smile at the two brothers as they joked around going out the door. Dean warning me about throwing parties. Oh no but I wasn't.

About five minutes after that there was a knock at the door, I unlocked the door and pulled it open smiling at Adam. The male had a bagful of stuff. I took it from him closing the door behind him. "Movies and chips." I wrapped an arm around him pulling him down the stairs and to my room. He stumbled a little catching himself on the wall and turning the corner into my room. Where he sat the things down on my bed and turned to me. "I hope you got--" I felt his lips crush into mine and smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck deepening the kiss more. Nipping at his bottom lip, a soft noise leaving the male. "We're not watching any movies, are we?"

A shit eating grin crossed Adam's face as he pulled me down into the bed, "Nope."

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