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was sitting in the art classroom, staring at the boy in front of him, drawing something that Jimin really didn't give a shit about.

He was secretly trying to recognize the boy whom was sitting there smiling at Jimin as he concentrated on his drawing.

A small burp left Jimin's mouth which made them both shook. Jungkook's lips quickly went wide as his teeth showed. Soon his smile turned into a smirk when he saw Jimin's cheeks that were light red.

"just ate?"

Jimin hit Jungkook as he got embarassed but soon his embarassing turned into teasing. He noticed Jungkook's red ears which meant that Jungkook was blushing.

"so pretty.."

Jimin unknowingly mumbled, it was almost unhearable, but Jungkook's sharp hearing got it and his ears turned darker red. Jimin got hot and the atmosphere just got fucked up. This was getting common. Ever since Jimin noticed he liked Jungkook, he would unknowingly make the boy so shy and overall make him sweat. Jimin gulped as he saw how jungkook took the end of his brush, dipped it in pink before smudging it out and muddle it out with white, getting the color pastel pink.

That color was Jimin's favorite color, Jungkook knew it. That was exactly why he loved to paint with that color. It made Jimin focus on his painting just a little bit more. Jimin leaned forward to adore the beautiful sweeps Jungkook made with his brush.

"Is it pretty?"

Jungkook asked, biting his lip when he noticed how Jimin's lips started to pout.

Jimin nodded, not noticing the other boy uncomfortably shifting his way of sitting since Jimin was too close to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook liked Jimin, but he was too scared to confess. Nothing seemed hopeful or positive when he thought about confessing. It was too risky, and Jungkook liked to stay on the safe side.

A loud knocking sound was heard and the two teenagers, both turned around, looking at the direction where the sound came from. The door opened and a head plopped up.

"Jungkookiee, I knew you were here"

Jimin's eyes turned from soft to hard in just a mili-second. Taehyung was Jungkook's other bestfriend. Jimin didn't like that boy at all. Just the way he stare at Jungkook made Jimin want to puke and punch him. Jimin was the only one that could stare at Jungkook like that! Well at least if you asked Jimin. Taehyung was always caught by Jimin and that made both of them uncomfortable.

Jimin felt a pain inside of himself whenever he saw the younger boys interact. It made him so mad. But he really couldn't risk their friendship just because of his selfishness. He couldn't force Jungkook to not hang out with Taehyung. But most importantly, he couldn't stop Jungkook from going to school, because the boy went to the same home classroom as the other boy Jimin found annoying.

So Jimin would just blatantly answer at Taehyung's forced out questions as Jungkook would be too happy to notice the slightest bit of tension between the older boys.

Taehyung ran towards Jungkook and gave him a hug before sitting too, and Jimin meant it, too close to Jungkook. Jungkook being his usual self, just grabbed Taehyung's hand and laughed at a joke Jimin didn't hear. A frown appeared on the shorter boy as he looked away, his hand clenching.

Jungkook was still painting with that cotton pink colour which made Jimin just a little bit happy. At least the colour Jungkook paints with is Jimin's favourite..

Taehyung always hated how Jungkook loved to paint with that colour. He didn't know that the colour was Jimin's favourite but obviously knew that Jimin's hair colour was exactly that shade of pink.

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