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Ruth's POV

The clock ticking to strike the end of the school year seemed like it was going by for 4 years. I sat in the middle of my 5 friends during the awards assembly as they handed out the last award. Granted I only won one award that about 100 other kids won but I still felt special. As the clock hit 1:35 I felt the rush of the other kids dying to get out of the hell hole. I hugged my friends and then set off to go on the bus. I was anxious for tomorrow. California, 4 weeks with just my best friend.

I texted Aiyanna. My mom was driving me to her house so we could head onto getting to SoCal. I was finished packing. Even though I was only 16 Aiyanna is a year older than me. She's driving us in her range rover. To be completely honest I don't trust Aiyanna with driving but hey, I wasn't about to spend money on a plane ticket.

We neared her drive way with the glistening black range rover I'm filled with excitement. My mom kissed me on the cheek and handed me cash. About 1500 in cash.

"Where did this come from?" I asked with the surprised look on my face.

"Just incase you need a little extra cash I mean some places don't accept ATM cards and I just want to make sure you're good because I...." I stopped her from rambling on and on.

"Mom thanks so much, I'll be fine I love you. I'll text you when we get to our hotel."

" alright love you too!" She shouted from her car.

Aiyanna came out of her house with her dad. They were putting the stuff in the back of her car. I helped out. Aiyanna was bringing the food for the ride and stuff like hair straighteners, but she still had WAY more stuff than me. I had only brought along two small luggage cases while on the other hand she had 4 luggage cases that were regular sized. I smiled at her dad and family.

"Hey, on the way can we stop at Starbucks so I can have a refresher for the long drive." Aiyanna asked as she loaded the last piece of luggage. She stood up and I noticed she cut her hair again.

"As if I have the choice you're, the one driving."

She chuckled and punched my shoulder.

Her family said bye to us. I hopped into the passenger seat and buckled up. She started the car and started driving. It's a long ride ahead of us. 5 long hours.

Aiyanna stopped in the Starbucks drive thru it was night and I had been sleeping.

"What time is it?"

"It's only 9:45" she said grabbing her java chip frappiccino. "Here" she handed me an iced tea lemonade.

I squinted.

"Thanks, how many more hours till we're there?"

"Only 2" she said sipping the frappe. "We'll be there at about 12 am and I already checked in with the hotel."

I'm not tired anymore so I plan on spending the rest of the trip awake.

"The first thing we do when we get there has to be hitting up the outlet malls!" I say with excitement.


I get a text from my friend Austin.

"Hey Ruthy, on Wednesday I'm having a party in LA to celebrate the tour starting soon."

I smile I've known Austin since I was 5 and he was 7. I'm so proud if him. I turn to Aiyanna.

"Austin says he's having a party on Wednesday in LA, you wanna go?" I say as if I'm giving her a choice.

"Austin Mahone? Like the famous one?"

"Yes. who else?" I say, she couldn't be any more oblivious.

"Of course! it's such a great idea I mean we have no one else to hang out with maybe we could meet new people."

I nod as I respond to Austin.

Aiyanna continues to ramble on.

"Ruth, what if we meet our favorite youtubers! ahhhhh I'm so excited I can't event wait."

Then it hits me, it hits me like a truck. All the youtubers, well at least a good amount of them are in LA for the summer. We have a chance of meeting them.

I turn up the radio.

"I just need to think this through, that sounds too deep, I mean what I'm gonna wear to Austin's party." It's literally tomorrow given today it's now Tuesday.

Aiyanna backs up into a parking spot in the Hilton lot.

We get out of the car. I look at my phone and it's 12:04 am.

"Well remember, we are going to the mall when we wake up this morning."

I smile and carry in my two small luggage bags along with one of Aiyanna's backpacks. I walk into the lobby and wait for Aiyanna to get the remainder of luggage.

As we walk into our room we automatically collapse into the beds. Next thing we know we're asleep.

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