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Ruth's POV

"Hey can we just hang out today?" I ask Aiyanna while grabbing an orange.

"Me and Connor are going on a date" She replied.

"Awwwwweeee" I say cooing.

"Shut up." She said her cheeks flushed.

"Aiyanna, if you were looking forward to hanging with Connor today I'm fine with that, just have fun okay?" I tell her with a sincere look on my face. I smile.

"But I don't want to leave you here all by yourself." she says with guilt washed all over her face.

"Dude it's cool I'll be fine, I'll call someone up." I say walking over to the bed. I plop down and grab my phone.

"Thanks, so how did you and Ricky go down?" she asks with concern.

"Um the weather is pretty nice out right now, don't you think?" I say avoiding the subject of Ricky.

"Ruth, I'm serious, did stuff go okay?" she asks generally concerned.

"Look, I told him the thing about summer romances and he took it pretty good. On the outside. On the inside, I could tell I broke his heart. The way his eyes were full of life when we began talking, wasn't the way they were when we stopped talking. It hurts to hurt someone, whether or not you've been hurt before. I really didn't want to do it. Did I mention he had tears in his eyes? God I don't know what to do about the feeling." I tell Aiyanna talking faster than usual.

She rubs my shoulder. "Okay, so the best thing here is to follow your heart wants, and once it's chosen what it really wants for sure, then you can relax, I promise you that love isn't as easy as just looking at someone. As people we have emotions and we tend to fall in love with more than one person. Take me for instince. I really really like Connor, but I'll always like Louis Tomlinson. so there ya go." she says trying to comfort me.

"Thanks Aiyanna, that really helped me out" It really didn't because I dont know what my fucking heart wants, but that little confucious shit she did there was pretty impressive and I applaud her.

"No problem, look I got to get ready, Connor is picking me up in 5 minutes, I promise tomorrow we can have an only girls day." she says walking to the the bathroom and putting on some mascara.

"It's okay go have fun, I swear I'll be fine." I say grabbing my laptop.

"Okay bye, love you." she says opening the door.

"Peace out Home Skillet don't do drugs love you too." I say holding a peace sign out.

"Peace out Pepperoni Slice." she says and with that shes out.

I have been watching youtube for 2 hours. I'm so bored. I walk over to the little counter to grab my phone.

I think of someone to call for a little while till I decide on Jenn, Rebecca, Andrew, Jack and Anthony.

I call Jenn.

"Hey Jenn, do you want to come over? Anna is out with Connor and it's pretty boring around here." I say looking at the dull room.

"Uh yeah sure!" She says.

"Can you bring Jack, Anthony, Rebecca and Andrew too." I ask thinking about how boring it would still be.

"Like we have a choice they heard and already jumped in." She says laughing.

"Wait who's Ruth?" I hear Anthony in the background say.

"You know that girl from the Ricky's video." Jack replies. I can tell who each of them are from watching their videos two hours straight.

"Anyways we just finished lunch at Panera we'll be there in like 5." she says.

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