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Sometimes I wonder,

I wonder terrible things.

Sometimes they make me cry,

Other times they make me weep.

Why is this world so cruel,

Why couldn't sin not exist?

If God didn't care about me,

I'm sure I'd be gone by now.

Alone in my room,

Even when I talk with others,

I feel like nobody cares.

I want to speak the Word,

But something evil says no.

Evil seems powerful,

But truly it's not.

I've learned that,

On my own,

When I wonder terrible things.

God is creater of all,

The evil has no power,

Not at all.

He takes the gifts God has given,

And twists them into terrible,

Terrible things.





Don't fall into the trap,

Keep steady,

Don't fall.

There are things out there,

More amazing than you can dream.

God created it all,

Just look for the good things.

I want you to remember,

That even in dispair,

God is holding you in his hands,

Lifting you into the air.

You're safe,

Even if you don't know it.

Come to him,

Follow him,

Let his prescence be known.

Don't just believe,

Become committed,

and follow.

Don't give up,


Because your shepherd always brings you safely home.

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