3. The Plan

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Simon's POV
Those boys are acting so weird, their never like this. It's crazy to think that finally after all these years, I finally got to meet Katelyn and Makayla. I can't tell them yet, I need to earn their trust first. I walked back into the room where the girls were, I'm going to take them and help them put their stuff in the tour bus, since they will be staying with the boys. Sometimes I don't trust Harry and Liam, it's like their hiding something, but I can tell you I trust Louis and Niall, they reveal more about themselves then Harry and Liam ever did. I walked in to the room and when I do Makayla say's "Hi Simon how are you" " I'm good, I was going to help you guys get setup in the tour bus" " ok let's go then" Makayla said. I lead them outside and we make our way to the bus, we walk on in and it's an absolute disaster, there's dishes piling up in the sink, clothes thrown everywhere, and the worst of all it smells like spoiled milk. "Oh my gosh you expect us to live in here with them, like this, no way I'm out, I'm done' I'd rather live on the side of the road, then here" Katelyn said. " Oh my your right, this place is horrible, how about we clean it up and you girls can set some rules for the boys" I said. " Alright fine, still can't believe you expect me to stay in here with those boys, me and Mak can't stand them". " Oh and why is that" I questioned. " well because their egotistical maniacs" Makayla said. " oh no you've got it all wrong my dears, Harry and Liam might be, but Louis and Niall aren't, so if I  were you I would stick closer to them" I replied. " I don't trust guys anymore, never again will I" Katelyn said, " neither will I love so easily ever again" Katelyn added on. Wow something bad must've happened, I need to figure it out.

Katelyn's POV
After I said that I ignored Makayla and Simon, it was the only way to keep from getting angry, and bursting into tears. I started cleaning the floor taking all the clothes and putting them into a clothes hamper, after I did that I started doing the dishes. It was about two hours later when we heard laughing outside the bus, we've been done cleaning for about thirty minutes, and I was just chilling on the couch with my phone. The doors bursted open and those boys walked in. " What the heck happened in here, where did all our clothes go, where did our dirty dishes go" Harry exclaimed. Mak chuckled a little when she heard him, " we cleaned all your crap up, cause we're not living in this filth" Makayla shot back. I just ignored them as I sat on the couch, then Louis came over and sat by me, I just continued to look at my phone, refusing to look into those crystal blue eyes, that I was falling for, I didn't want to but I was. " Hey Katelyn, thanks for cleaning up our mess" Louis said to me. I wanted to ignore him, but I didn't want to be rude to him, but maybe the best thing to do is ignore him. " Uh you're welcome, it wasn't just me though, it was Mak to" I said back. "well remind me to tell her thank you as well" he said, " why don't you go tell her now" I said wearily, " Well because I want to talk to you instead" he said. Crap why is this happening, why does he want to talk to me, he's probably just stringing me along, so later he can hurt me, and make me feel stupid. He'll probably make fun of me for it, and I'll regret ever trusting him. I'm at lost for words, what do I do God, do I give him a chance or do I ignore him and never know what could be. " oh uh, I don't feel so good, Simon can you show me my bunk, maybe we can talk another time" I said. " Oh ok that's fine, I hope you feel better" he said while frowning. Man he looks really sad, I didn't mean to, I just can't do this right now. I need to talk to Mak, maybe I can later.

Makayla's POV
Kat has been acting weird ever since she talked about not trusting anyone anymore. I know what she's talking about, she's talking about Sawyer, he really broke her, and ruined her trust. My ex boyfriend was Sawyer's twin brother Spencer, she was the one who got us together, everything between all of us was amazing at first then they changed. Spencer really hurt me, I think Kat blames herself for what happened to me, it's not her fault, it's their fault for not being faithful and decent human beings. As soon as the boys came in Louis darted straight for her and sat down beside her on the couch. She looked really blank, like she didn't know what to do. I hope she's ok, maybe me and her need to have a little chat. I'm starting to think Niall is just trying to get me to like him, so he can later hurt me, just like Spencer did, I'm being honest, I really liked Spencer, maybe not love but maybe one day it could've gotten there. But he ruined that, the day I and Kat caught Sawyer and him with some other girls in their rooms, I'm not gonna say what they were doing, but you get the picture. I don't know if I could trust Niall especially since he's famous, and always surrounded by other girls, there's no way with that kind've attention he could stay faithful to me. I really need to talk to Kat.

Louis POV
When we walked in the bus it was spotless, I saw Katelyn so I ran towards her and sat down. I tried talking to her, but she didn't seem to interested. Then she told me she wasn't feeling good, and wanted to go to sleep. Maybe it was something I said, did I do something. All of a sudden Makayla came up to me "where did Kat go" she asked. " she had Simon take her to her bunk, she wasn't feeling well" I told her. "That doesn't sound like her, maybe she's still jet lagged" she replied. She walked away from me. I noticed Harry and Liam whispering to each other, hmm I wonder what they were talking about. I just can't stop thinking about her, maybe there's a reason she doesn't want to talk to me, maybe there was a deadbeat idiot, who ruined her trust and broke her heart. I wouldn't ever dream of doing that to her, and I'd beat any guy who tried.

Harry's POV
Me and Liam were talking and planning on how we were going to do our plan tonight. It's about 9:15pm and Katelyn's been in her bunk for a good two hours, I'm going to go get her. " hey guys, since we're going to be living with each other, we should probably get to know each other" I said with a smirk playing on my face. " that's a great idea" Liam said. " I'll go get Katelyn" I said. Louis looked really angry when I said that, but who really cares. I walk over to her bunk and slide open the curtains and look at her sleeping. She's so hot when she's sleeping there looking so vulnerable. If I wanted I could kiss her right now without her knowing. I'll save that for another time. I shook her shoulder, she finally woke up. " we're going to try and get to know each other, come on" I said. She jumped out the bunk and came with me. She went over and sat beside of Makayla. " I'll go first, what is something that is really important to you" Liam asks. " Um me and Kat have this necklace that her parents gave to her and mine gave to me, that have her older brothers initials on it and has my older brother and sisters initials on it" Makayla said. "oh really, are you guys close to your siblings" Niall asked, Katelyn's face fell, like something was wrong. "well my older brothers passed away, they were twins, and they died in a car wreck when my mom was pregnant with me, they were going to the movies with Maks brother and sister and a drunk driver hit them" Katelyn said holding her tears in. Makayla went over and hugged Katelyn, she was about to cry as well. Niall,Louis,Liam and me walked over and gave them a hug. Katelyn broke away and walked out the door, " she doesn't do well with this kind've thing, it's hard for her to talk about, she's always been this way" Makayla said. It took Katelyn about 20 minutes to come back in, you could tell she had been crying, oh she'll get over it, she doesn't need to cry over it, she's being to emotional and dramatic. She seems like an emotional and annoying person, but I don't care she's fine as heck. " I'm sorry, I needed a few" she said, " it's fine love, we all have our own scars to deal with" Louis said. "Thanks Louis"she whispered, of course Louis was flirting with her, I wish he'd just shut up. We all got to know each other for a while, turns out me and Katelyn have nothing in common, her and Louis sure do though, but still I don't care, she's hot, I'm hot it's perfect. She'll be mine after tonight. My charms are to much for anyone.

Liam's POV
After Katelyn came back in, I felt awful for her, losing her brothers, and Makayla losing her brother, and sister, killed me to see the look on their face. Makayla is a beautiful girl, she really is. I feel Harry's taking this all a bit to the extreme, but he says it's the only way to get Makayla to like me. I'll do anything to get her to like me. Harry has let fame get to his head, the world always says he's a womanizer, he's not but he does seem like he is. I think it's cause he's been hurt before so all he wants to do is make other people feel his pain. I'm going to stay on his side so he doesn't try to hurt me. I just think Harry is misunderstood by a lot of people. Maybe we shouldn't do this, if the girls find out we did this they'll hate us instead of Louis and Niall. We're all going to bed now it's about 12:45pm, I go over to my bunk and crawl in, Harry's texting me, he said we're gonna wait about an hour and a half and then we will get the necklaces and put them into Niall and Louis bunk. I start dozing off, then Harry comes over and pulls my curtains open. " Harry maybe we shouldn't do this" I whispered. " Don't you dare back out on me now, do you want Makayla" he whispered. "Well yes" I said. " Then we have to, you want Makayla I want Katelyn, but we have to make this quick so we don't wake them up" he said. I quietly jump out of my bunk and go over to Makayla's bunk and open her curtains. She's so cute when she's sleeping. I carefully but my arms around her neck and undo her necklace, then I fix her hair so it's not in her face. Harry does the same to Katelyn. We go over to Niall and Louis bunk. I slide Makayla's under Niall mattress and Harry slides Katelyn's under Louis mattress. Part one is done of our plan.

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