27. Familiar

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Mak's POV
I woke up and it was pitch black in the whole room. I looked over towards where the clock would be but it wasn't there. I sat up, and looked around but I couldn't see anything. "Hello is there anyone in here"I questioned. "Mak is that you"I heard Kat say. "Yea it's me"I said. "Where are we"she asked. "Honestly I don't know"I replied "Mak what if Luke and Ashton kidnapped us"she stated scaredly. "Kat let's not jump to conclusions, just yet anyway"I said trying to calm her down. She was crying. I tried getting up, but I couldn't, my feet were chained down. I heard voices, deep voices, they didn't sound familiar at all. I was starting to freak out a little. "Mak who is that"she asked sounding shaken. "I don't know Kat, can you get up"I asked. "No I'm chained down, Hold on I have a bobby pin, I can try to pick the lock"she said sounding better. "Ok you try that"I said pulling at the chains on my ankles. I heard her picking the the lock. "Yes, I got it"she said excitedly "shh, so they don't hear you"I said quietly "right, sorry"she said whispering. She came over to me and picked my locks, I stood up. We walked over towards the door, well actually it looks like we're in a big van. We put our ear up to it so we can listen for voices. "So, how do we dispose of the bodies once we carry through with the plan"one deep voice asked. Good grief they plan on killing us. My hearts beating like crazy. "You want us to throw them in a crate and throw them into the pond"another deep voice said. "Ok boss, we'll get it done"the first one said. "Wait, what if those two boys come back, we beat them pretty bad, they are most likely going to die, from the beating but still what if"another one asked. "Ok, yea we have two bullets left, I'll make sure I won't miss"the second one said. Oh no, not my Niall, I can't loose him again. I've lost him too many times. I've got to get out of here and save him. Sounds like there's three guys and a boss guy doing this. "Kat we gotta get out of here and save them"I said crying. "Listen Mak, we've gotta save ourselves first before we can get to them, now snap out of it, and pull yourself together"she said whisper yelling. "Okay ok, I'm ok, what do we do"I said. "Find something to use as a weapon"she said looking around. "Wait hold on I have my phone, it's in my pocket"she said happily. "Ok, call someone"I said shaking her. "Ok, I'll call Louis"she said, clicking his contact. "Hello"he said groggily. "Louis, you're alive"she said crying tears of joy. "Of course I'm alive babe, why wouldn't I be"he said confused. "Umm, because we're in the back of a van being held hostage"I said annoyed. "Wait what, oh I thought you went out with Mak"he said confused. "No, the last thing I remember was going to bed with you last night"she said smiling. "I woke up and you were gone, I found a note saying you went out with Mak, where are you, I'm coming to get you"he asked. "Lou, I don't know where we are, me and Mak woke up in the back of this van, we heard the guys who took us say, they are gonna kill us and dump us in a pond, they also said they beat you and Niall up, and you two were on the verge of death"Kat said explaining. "Well babe I can let you know no one beat me up, I feel fine, Hold on I'm going to track your phone"he said reassuringly. "Ok, just hurry"she said. "Louis is Niall ok"I asked. "Yea, I'm sure he is, I'll go check to make you feel better"he said. We waited a few minutes, then we heard him knock on the door. "Hmm, he's not answering, he's probably still asleep"Louis said calmly. He must've walked in. "Whoa, what the heck are you doing in here, get out"we heard Louis yell "who are you"he asked. "Where's Niall"he added on. "None of your business Tomlinson, you'll know soon enough, we've got your pretty little girlfriend all locked up, your mates girlfriend too"the man said. "I'm the boss, if you act out of line, I'll call my men and tell them to kill them, so be careful"the man added on. "Don't you dare touch her or Makayla, you'll regret it"Louis yelled at the man. "No, Louis, you'll regret it, if you don't stop talking to me like that"he said. "Babe, it's gonna be ok, I'm going to get you guys out of this don't worry"he said trying to be calm. "Niall, is he ok"I asked. "He's knocked out"Louis answered. "What do you want"Louis asked the boss "I want all your money, and I want you all four dead"he said maliciously. "But why"Louis asked. "Because, I never liked you, and I want you to suffer"the man said. "Tomlinson, say goodbye to your girlfriend, cause this is the last time you'll ever hear her again"he said deviously. "Kat, sweetheart it's gonna be ok, I love you, I'll always love you"Louis said while crying. "Oh Louis no, this isn't happening, I love you too, I'll always love you too"she said crying. I hugged her while we both cried. Then it hit me, last night will be the last time I'll ever see Niall again, this can't be it, I just got him back. I can't lose him again already. We heard the phone go dead, we both fell to the floor crying. We heard banging on the door into the van. We looked over and three men with black masks came into the van. "Why, won't you look at that, they are awake"a man said. I gulped, "guys lets take those two pretty little girls out here into the field and finish what we came to do"the man said. They came over and grabbed us and took us out of the van. We were in this huge field, they had a gun. My hearts pounding out of my chest. I look over towards the road and I see a big black limousine coming towards us. "Looks like the boss is here"one of them said. They pushed us down on our knees, in execution style. Me and Kat grabbed each other's hand, and close our eyes. "Any last words girls"one of them ask. We don't say anything, we're just preparing for the worst. "I guess not, but I have a few words for you girls, welcome to the prank wars"they all three yell the last part. Wait what. "We got you four so good"one yells. They take there masks off and I see that it's Liam,Harry, and Zayn. Kat just breaks down crying. The limousine gets closer, and two men in black masks push Niall and Louis out of the back, they are tied up and have blindfolds over their eyes. I break down crying. The two guys take their masks off and they are Michael and Calum. Kat jumps up and runs to Louis' side, so I follow pursuit and run to Niall. Meanwhile the other five are laughing hysterically. I pull Niall's blindfold off and untie his hands. "Oh Niall your ok, I love you so much"I cried. "I love you too, you had me worried sick"he cried. We hugged each other. I look over to Kat and Lou, he's holding her and she's holding on for dear life, crying hysterically, shaking, and heavy breaths. I grasped Niall a little tighter, he does the same. "What right do you have to pull this kind of prank on someone"Louis screams at them. "It was just harmless fun"Harry stated. "What kind of prank makes you think you're about to die, and lose everything you've ever known, that today was your last day on earth forever, don't you know what these girls have been through with Luke and Ashton"Niall yelled irritated. "We're sorry we just wanted to get you guys back"Liam stated sadly. "It's ok, I guess we're all even now"Kat said smiling. "Sorry Kat and Mak"Zayn said. "It's ok, all is forgiven"I said. We all smiled, and went back home.
~Back at the house~
We all went to the living room and chilled on the couch. "Are you sure that Luke and Ashton aren't going to come back here"Louis said paranoid. "They came in here and took their stuff and left, they muttered a few curse words, but other than that no, they shouldn't come back"Liam replied. We played a movie, then it hit me, Harry and Liam still don't know about Mia and Willa. "Niall, we need to tell them"I said whispering into his ear. "Yea you're right"he said back. He pulled his phone out and texted Louis to meet us in the kitchen. We all got up and went in there. "Mak brought it to my attention that we still haven't told Harry and Liam about Mia and Willa"Niall said rubbing the back of his head. "Oh my gosh you're right"Kat said putting her head down. "Who's gonna tell them, Lou you still have that picture right"I said. "Yea, I do"he said pulling the picture up on his phone. "I'll tell them, I mean I was the one who saw them first, and they both deserve so much better"Kat said looking up. "Babe, you don't have to do it, I can if you want"Louis stated. "No it's ok, I can do it"she said smiling. "Ok well, princess, Lou, Kat let's go break the bad news"Niall said sadly. I grabbed Niall's hand and held it tightly, he did the same with me. "I love you princess"he said softly. "I love you Prince Charming"I replied back. He kissed my forehead, and we walked back into the living room. Harry pushed pause on the tv and stood up. "Guys I have an announcement"he said smiling big. "We do too"Louis said frowning "let me go first"Harry squealed "Harry I don't think that's a good idea"Niall said. "Oh come on, what's the worse that can happen, so anyway I bought something really special"he said happily, he pulled a ring out and showed us. "Do you think she'll love it"he asked smiling ear to ear. We all looked at each other solemnly. "What, are you guys not happy for me"he asked sadly.

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