14. Cole and Blaze

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Kat's POV
When I woke up, I went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had a head splitting headache and my eyes were super red and puffy from all the crying I did last night. I decided that today was going to be a day for me, take time and give myself a break from all the drama and what better way then going out and sun tanning by the pool. I go to my dresser and find my bathing suit, when I was putting it on, I remembered that me and Louis had gotten matching ones. So much for forgetting all the mess and drama. I grab my sunglasses so I can hide my puffy eyes. I grab a towel and some sun screen and head outside to the pool. I go out and lay down on a tanning chair. I put the sunblock on and start relaxing. I was starting to feel really relaxed until I heard talking and people opening the door. I look up and it's Louis and Erin, Louis was wearing our matching swim suits. He was holding Erin bridal style and she had her arms around his neck. He starts walking her towards the pool and goes to throw her in, "Louis don't you dare throw me in" she said screaming in his face "oh come on Erin, it won't be that bad" he said chuckling. He dropped her and when she came back up she started cursing him and calling him every name in the book. She made him help her out then she started hitting him " chill out Erin, it was just some harmless fun" Louis said covering his face "Harmless, my hair and makeup is ruined, now go inside and get me a towel" she screamed in his face. I ran up to her "Erin are you ok" I asked. "Who do you think you are, talking to me, you are nothing, I see now why Louis left you for me"she said screaming "Chill our Erin, I was just asking if you were ok" I said about to walk away, she grabbed me by my shoulders and pushed me in the pool. When I came back up Louis was back outside and giving her a towel. "Oh hey Kat you taking a little swim" Louis said smiling. I wanted to tell him the truth but Erin gave me a look and I was starting to be a little scared of her and intimidated, I mean she's a beautiful girl, and she apparently makes Louis happier than I did, I mean if I made him happy he wouldn't of left me for her. "Yea just a fun little swim" I said forcing a smile "Well have fun, come on Erin, let me make it up to you" he said putting his arms around her. "Oh really what are you gonna do to make it up to me" she said prissily as they walked in the house. I just pulled myself out of the pool and sat there. I put my head in my hands and I felt a few tears slipped. I never thought I would be crying over him, I actually never thought I'd ever love him either, I guess it's a endless cycle of new feelings. I got up and went over and got my towel and went back upstairs to change. Since my hair is wet I decided to put my hair in a messy bun. I change and walk downstairs to get something to eat. Mia,Willa,Harry,Liam,Niall, and Karsyn were all in the kitchen, Niall and Karsyn were sitting by themselves in a corner while the rest were sitting around the island, and eating pancakes. "Good morning Kat" Harry said cheerfully "good morning some one seems to be in a good mood today" I said smiling "Yea today's pretty nice" Harry said looking at Mia. I went to the cupboard and got some cereal out. "Where's Mak" Liam asked "you know, I'm not sure I haven't seen her since last night" I said. "She's probably up in her room" Willa said "you're probably right, I'll go see if she wants any breakfast" I said walking up the stairs. I go to her room and knock on her door, there was no answer so I peeped in and she wasn't in there then I went to her bathroom and she wasn't in there either. "Huh that's weird, she wouldn't leave without telling me" I said quietly. I walk back down stairs, "she's not in there, she wouldn't just leave without telling anyone" I said "maybe she doesn't want to spend time with her ex fiancé and his new girlfriend" Harry said looking over towards Niall and Karsyn. They were practically sucking the air out of each other's lungs. It was absolutely the most disgusting thing I've seen in a while. "You're right she probably didn't" I said looking down. "How are you holding up" Liam asked "we know how you and Mak felt about them" Harry added on. "I'm ok, I just try and ignore it" I said putting on a slight smile. My phone beeps and it's a text from Mak "Hey Kat I went to dads house sorry I didn't tell you I just needed to get away", "she's at our dads house" I said to everyone. "I gotta go over and make sure she's ok" I said "Can I borrow someone's car" I asked. "Yea sure you can borrow my car Stephanie" Harry said "Stephanie, you named your car Stephanie"I asked "Yea and she's a beauty, so keep her safe" he said getting defensive. "Ok thanks Harry, I'll pay you back" I said walking up stairs to get my phone and my purse. I walk back down the stairs and get into the car and head to my dads house, I hope Maks ok, I know this is hard on her it's hard on me to, we'll get over it someday.

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