10. The secret

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Simon's POV
I really wish I knew how to tell the girls, if they knew they would probably get angry. But not only at me Louis and Niall to. I told them the reason I wanted them here was because I needed them to be their hair stylist and makeup artist, but that wasn't the whole truth. The real truth is, is that they are my daughters and their twins, it's a long story something I don't want to think about but I know I need to tell them. I know I'll have to explain it to them but it wasn't my idea, it was my ex wife, she was the one who didn't want them. We were married happily or so I thought, after two years we decided to file for divorce, it wasn't until about three years later she contacted me and told me she had fraternal twin girls and that they were mine. I asked if I could see them, then she told me she put them up for adoption, cause she didn't want to be a single parent. I went on a search for them, that's when I figured out they were in California. I contacted their adoptive parents and told them who I was. I flew out to Cali, and I spent a weekend there and I met them, they both live very close together and their parents told me they were the best of friends when they were little. Seems to me they still are by how close they are now. When I went and visited them I was thinking about regaining custody of them, but I saw how close they were with their other parents I just couldn't bring myself to do it. So I made a deal with their parents that once they reach a certain age I would fly them out here so I can tell them. I knew it would be hard to do this but ever since they've got here I've been pushing it off, I don't want them to think I didn't want them, I did but I also didn't want to put them in the spotlight of fame. This business can get very demanding of you. But this isn't the only secret I have, the other thing is something to do with Louis and Niall. I haven't even told them so I guess I need to call them over and give them a heads up. I dial Louis on my phone and wait for him to answer "Hey uncle Si" Louis answers. "Hey Louis, are you busy right now" I asked hesitantly. "No why, what do ya need" Louis said a bit more concerning "I need you and Niall to stop by my house, we need to have a talk" I said back. "Ok, yea we'll be there in about an hour, see ya then" he said. We hung up and now all I have to do is wait.

Louis' POV
We were all watching 50 First Dates, by the way it wasn't mine and the boys idea it was the girls, I started to get a phone call so I went out to the kitchen and answered. It was Simon he wants me and Niall to come to his house, something about him needing to tell us something I guess. I went back to the living room and told Niall, we walk out and get in my car, and head to Simons house. "What does he want to talk about" Niall asked, "I have no idea he didn't say, but I know it's probably serious by the way he sounded" I told him. "You know Si gets me all stressed out when he does this, it's always something bad he has to tell us" Niall shot back, "Now Niall chill out maybe this time it's not going to be bad" I said trying to lighten the mood. "Maybe your right, I just don't want him to give us bad news, you know what happened last time he called me and you in, he made us date these two girls and they took so much out of us, we couldn't trust anyone for a long time", he paused " that was until I met Mak and you met Kat, Mak is amazing she makes me feel so,so happy and I can't even explain what she makes me feel, and I know you feel the same way about Kat" he said smiling. He was right his ex girlfriend Alyssa was a total waste of his time and my ex girlfriend Eleanor was to. It all started about three years ago I was about 22 and Ni was about 21 and Simon called us in and told us we were going to be put in an arranged fake relationship and that after a year and a half was up we could break it off. Niall and I were really mad so at first we didn't like them, but then after a while we grew to like them, now when I say like I mean all we ever did was like them. We never felt the way we do with Kat and Mak. But it got easier to be around them so instead of just "dating" them for a year I ended up dating her about 2 years. And Niall almost 2 and a half. After the year and a half was over we just kept spending time with them, and I guess they thought they had us wrapped around their finger cause then they changed, I grew distant from my family cause she wouldn't like when I was with them. I eventually found out she was stealing my credit card and was making purchases with them so I knew I had to end it. When I did I felt awful so I went to my family and apologized, that's when I found out even more. She had told my sister to back off and to stay away from me cause I was hers, I was furious. I felt even worse so after that I vowed to never let a girl come between me and my family. I have this feeling that I know Kat would never be like that. She was so close to her family so I know she wouldn't. I'm so glad that it's all over now and I never have to see them again. I don't really know what happened between Ni and Alyssa but I know it wasn't good and ever since he doesn't trust many people. I know that they were fake relationships but it was still very hurtful what she did to me. That's why Ive been careful ever since. That's also why I know Kat is the one for me and that Mak is the one for Ni. Before I knew it I pulled into Si's driveway and me and Niall walked up to his door. "Ready mate" I said, "As ready as I'll ever be" he said giving me a slight smile. Niall knocked on the door, we waited until Simon came and opened the door we walked in, "Go ahead and take a seat boys, we have a lot to talk about" he said giving us the look. We sat down and got comfortable, "What's this all about" Niall asked curiously "Its a very long story but to make it short and to the point, Katelyn and Makayla are fraternal twins and they are my daughters" he said, I was stunned I at first thought he was lying but by the look on his face I knew he wasn't. "Whoa wait, you mean to tell me you're their father" Niall said stunned. "Yes that's what I'm telling you" Simon said back. "So wait, you didn't want them, is that why they live with different parents" Niall asked. He was getting upset at this, I could tell but I know there is more to the story. "Niall how about we let Si tell us the story, so we know what happened before we make any accusations" I said giving him a slight nudge. Si looked at me and smiled and went on "my first wife Jamie and I were married for about two years, and after that two years we decided on getting a divorce, I had always wanted kids and she didn't so we decided that this was the best for both of us, we lost contact with each other until about three years after we got the divorce, she called me and asked if we could meet in person and said that she had something she needed to tell me, so I met her for coffee and we talked a little then she told me that after her and I finalized the divorce she found out she was pregnant and that she kept it from me cause she knew I would try and get back with her, which is right I wouldn't want her to be a single mom and they are my daughters anyway, well she went on to say that she gave them up for adoption, I was really angry and I asked her where they were cause I wanted to get them back, so I found out that they were adopted by two separate families and that both families planned to keep them close together instead of splitting them up, they have wonderful parents Kat's parents names are Dennis and Amelia and Dennis is a doctor and Amelia is a child care worker, they love her very much and I learned that when I went there and stayed, Maks parents names are Charles and Jessica and Charles is a car salesman and her mom is also in the child care business with Amelia, their houses were right beside each other's and they were always together, that's when I got to thinking maybe I should just leave them here with these people cause I really trusted them, and they were so used to them, I'm so busy and I didn't want to take them away from the parents cause they had raised them since they were born, I also didn't want to bring the girls up in the spotlight cause I couldn't bare to see them be followed every where they go, so I talked to the parents and we came up with the plan that one day when they were older I'd fly them out here and I'd tell them the truth, but before I left I gave them both a necklace with mine and their mothers initials on it, I guess their parents told them it was their older siblings initials to cover it up but they were actually ours, they were about three when I last saw them so they probably don't remember me, their parents always sent pictures, so now I'm finally going to tell them" "Wow that's a lot to take in" I said "That must've been so hard for you to leave them" Niall said "Yea it was I never wanted to but I wanted to keep them safe" Simon said back "When are you going to tell them" I asked " I was thinking maybe tomorrow" he said "ok well why did you want to tell us first for" Niall asked "Well that's the other part" Simon said "I need to know how you two feel about them" he asked "well I for one would do anything for Mak, she is so beautiful and her personality is just so perfect, and we have a lot in common, she loves my family and they love her, and she told me family comes first for her so that just makes her even better, and she just makes life feel like a movie, she's my Juliet and I'm her Romeo" Niall said blabbering on and on. Me and Simon just looked at him like he was crazy, "Sorry I got carried away" Niall said blushing "Ok what about you Louis, how do you feel about Kat" Simon asked me "Well like Niall said I would do anything for her, I've never felt this way about anyone before and her big brown eyes are just so beautiful and her smile, she wants lots of kids as do I, so I know she's just perfect, with every word she says it just comes from her heart and you can tell, it makes me angry to even think of anyone hurting her, so Simon to answer your question and if I'm being honest with myself I might just love her" I said " Yea I Love Mak to" Niall said. "Well boys I'm glad to hear that" "wait why are you so happy about that, don't you wanna kill us for liking your daughters, I think you need some dad lessons cause aren't dads suppose to despise the boys who wanna be with their daughters" Niall said confused "The only way I would ever be upset about two boys liking my daughters was if I didn't trust them, and I trust you" Simon said to us "Now I've talked to your parents and they have agreed and they have already signed as have I, but Niall I want you to marry my daughter Makayla and Louis I want you to marry my daughter Katelyn" is he for real right now did he just ask us if we would marry his daughters, wasn't this suppose to be the other way around. Man I can't believe this, "I would be honored to marry Katelyn" I said smiling "As would I" Niall said "Well it's settled, well I mean you guys won't be getting married right off because I want you guys to have time to get to know each other". "Sounds great to me, but the girls will probably be angry with us" I said "Yea he's probably right" Niall said agreeing with me, "Yea that is true but they will have to learn to love you cause after all you are getting married" Simon said. "Also you will be the man of the house and they will be submissive to you" Simon said. Wait does he mean if I want her to do something she has to do it. I could get used to this. "Ok boys run on home I'll be their tomorrow and we'll all tell the girls together, tomorrows going to be a long day for all of us" Simon said. Me and Niall get up and walk back out of the house. I get back in the drivers side and we're on our way. "Can you believe that I'm going to marry Mak" Niall said all giddy inside. "That's amazing Niall, but can you believe I'm going to marry Kat" I said back to him smiling from ear to ear. "I wonder if my mum knew when we visited her" Niall said, "I don't know, we could always ask them later" I said back. The rest of the car ride was silent it was about 10:30 p.m when we got there Niall and I walked in and Kat and Mak were passed out on the couch. They looked so peaceful and I'd hate to wake them up so I walked over to Kat and picked her up and took her up to her room, one day all I'll have to do is put her beside me in our bed. Just the thought of that makes my life worth it. I wonder how many kids we'll have I want at least 6 to 10 so I hope she does to. I carefully lay her down and I pull the blanket over her and I kiss her on her forehead "goodnight sweetheart" I softly whispered. I walk out and go to my room, I change and lay down, I sat their just thinking of her and what our life will be like. She'll probably be angry at first but then hopefully she'll come around and be ok with me. I can't wait for her to meet my mum and stepdad I know their gonna love her, I mean how do you not. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

Niall's POV
I can't believe I'm going to marry the girl of my dreams, I'm really nervous about this for the reason I think she hates me but Simons right she'll learn to love me. She can be my princess and I can be her Prince Charming. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. When me and Lou walked in the house her and Kat were passed out on the couch so Lou took Kat up and I decided to take Mak up, I picked her up and I carried her to her room, I carefully laid her down and I bent down closer to her "goodnight princess" I whispered then peck her on the cheek.  I was walking out and I heard her call my name I turned around and she said "Niall where are you going", "I'm going back to my room to go to bed" "Well if you want you can stay in here with me, I'm kind've cold" she said rather shyly "Oh yea of course" I went over and crawled into bed with her and I wrapped my arms around her "Can I ask you a question" I said to her "Yea sure" she said tiredly "Well do you hate me" I asked scared of her answer. "No of course not Niall, at first me and Kat didn't like you guys but you all turned out to be great guys, especially you and Lou, I actually really like you, I only say I do to get you going" she said looking up at me. "Well I'm glad you don't hate me like I thought you did, it makes me feel a lot better" I said chuckling a little. "Why do you ask" she said "Well it's something for me to know and you to find out".

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