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*** Jungkook pov 

I saw her, the day we were graduated. 

She was with him, they seemed really close. 

So she just push me away ? Keeps in touch with Taehyung ? 

I can't believe that the woman who saved me from depression, the only one person who cared about me, finally leave that way. 

I'm so dumb to believe I can loved her, and she can loved me back. 

Taehyung was here first, this jerk

In a way, i'm thankful to her, she didn't let me give up when i was in a damn bad mood. 

And I keep it together till now. I will integrate a big agency, one of the best in South Korea. 

So I have to forget about her, how hard it can be.

But the truth is that I can't help to just continue to love her, even if she made me that sad. 

Even if the hole in my heart will always feels incomplete without her. 

I was too greedy, I wanted her while Taehyung was here since years ago. 

But in name of my sister, in name of the new me, I will survive and succeed

I look up at the building in front of me. YG. 
I just can't believe i'm where my most loved idols are. 

Sure, I just will be a backup dancer, but maybe many opportunities will follow. 

I was in the practice room where two men told me to go-on for my first day. 

They act really cool even if they're staff, it's feels like they aren't at work at all. 

We were around twenty people here, girls and boys mixed. They look all professional, and I really hope I will be ok for this first test. 

We'll be divided in two groups, the first one who will keep training the first year, and the other one will join the official backup dancers. 

Can't wait to dance near G-dragon sunbaenim. He is such an inspiration since my childhood. 

Suddenly, a woman just came in the room, leaving her stuff on the floor and join to the group. 

She bows sorrily since she's a bit late. 
My heart miss a beat. 

She's here, right now

Is it a joke ? Can I believe what my eyes shows me ? 

But yes, she turn back to face us, and her gaze meets mine. 

She seems as shocked as me. Yes, sure, we are. 

" Lisa ?

My voice is quiet loud, and few people turn their curious face on us. 

But i don't pay much at others, and I just make few step, so does her. 

" Are you.. Are you working here ?

" Same as you, I think.

" Oh.

Silence comes. I can't stop to watching her, I believed she will act coldly toward me, since she just push me out her life. 

But she seems touched to see me. 

Or something like this ? I'm right ? Maybe my imagination plays with my heart right now. 

Or, is it fate ? 

Obviously, after this day, I can tell this is fate. 
Because we pass on the same team. 

The debuting one. 

Might as well say that I love to go to work the next days.

Even if it's sometimes awkward, Lisa and I sometimes too talk to each others. 

And for me, our 5-minutes-discussion is quiet enough. 

I don't need more, I don't want to expect more from her. 

My past mistakes make me realize to not be that greedy. 

And, actually, it was too much painful. 

I'm just used to my dark loneliness, and these shorts discussions  with Lisa every day at work is like a bright sunray.

That blind me for like forever.


" Yes, I didn't know french bread was that tasty until I try it in Paris! "

" Oh you went to France, really ? How is it ? Are everyone wearing a beret and holding bread ?

A sweet laugh escape from Lisa's plump lips while she is talking with Jennie, a co-worker. 

" Actually, not at all, and it's quiet different from here. "

While i'm listening to the two women, I just join them. 

" Do they smoke a lot cigarettes ?  I heard that french smokes a lot.

Lisa's eyes comes quickly on mine, she is surprised because of my sudden question. 

I just wanted to talk with her. 

Jennie just stare at me with a " Regina Georges "from Mean Girls looks-like. 

Why this brat looks like she is going to fight me for being in their discussion ? 

" Ahm.. Yes, streets are quiet dirty because of the cigarettes left on.

Lisa keeps her genuine smile toward me, but I feel her sudden awkwardness with me.  

Suddenly, the choreograph ask us to begin the dance we are preparing to do on a TV Show. 


" Did he thinks he cans interrupt our private discussion ?

Jennie looks at me while i'm smiling, half amused. She is so secretive. 

But actually, I also don't want that Jungkook knows about Taehyung and me. 

I just don't want these two remind each others since i must see both in my life. 

How crazy I can meet Jungkook again, at work ? 

" Don't mind him Jennie, he doesn't know that you're Taehyung Sister.

But even if I try to get her attitude less bitter always when she saw Jungkook, it keeps have fire in her eyes. 

On a hand, I understand her. Jungkook really wanted to ruins her brother when he believed Tae was the murder. 

But on the other hand, I can understand Jungkook who wanted to face his sister's murder. 

Ah... I can feel I will have hard days. 

And even more after the choice I made toward Taehyung. 

After the night in Paris, I didn't feel good thinking of both of us. 

I just feel that not seeing him long time before made me do an inconsiderate choice. 

I love Taehyung, but being together.. I don't feel natural. 

That's not what my heart wants. 

And this stupid heart will break that of Taehyung

Because he wants the one and only pair of brown eyes.
Jungkook's chocolate eyes, more exactly. 

*YG is a really comfortable agency

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YG is a really comfortable agency.

Employees are all really close to each others, we can feel something cozy.

And, the most favorite place is surely the restaurant.

I never eat this good before, and all seems so expensive.

I'm lightly eating with Jennie and Jisoo, a co-worker, when Jungkook shows up.

" Lisa, can we practice a thing that i can't get after the day ? "

I'm about to say yes with a bit too much excited looks-like , but Jennie speaks up.

" You can't come to Taehyung's house ? You said you bring me there by the way."

" Don't worry, I will not come to your date together, just forgot my dress there. "

Jungkook still quiet, and I just remember that I said to Taehyung I will go dinner with Him tonight.
I just feel sorry toward Jungkook, but stare at him.

" We can do it tomorrow ? "

" Sure. "

He just leaves with a light smile.

Then, I stare at Jennie, with a suspicious gaze.

" What it was ? "

" You don't need to give your time to this guy Lisa. "

" Why, Jennie ?" I sound a bit annoyed by her words.

She sighs.

" It's more easy for you if I act like this, that's all. " 


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