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My eyes starting to be humid and my vision blurry while i'm looking at him throughout the little windows on the door. 

He is laying down, just seems peacefully and asleep.

Doctors said to me that he is in a coma, and they don't know when it will getting conscious again. 

Why did he does that ? Suicide attempt after Jennie talks with him.

But maybe i'm way too much paranoid, maybe it does not concern me. 

No..surely it's about me. 

I can feel it, Jennie has a weird attitude since she knows about Jungkook's act.  

During the first month, I come quiet often, Four or five by week. 
I felt responsible of this situation, and before all, I really wanted to not him to be alone. 

You will never be alone anymore, I promise Jungkook. 

All I wanted was him to wake up, to be healthy and with all his brain safe. 

I'm afraid of a potential amnesia, why his life is so dark.

I just replace the flowers, then put many pictures of disney's princess. 

Actually I don't have picture with him, unfortunately.

But I remember in one of our last training together, he said something.

He compared me to the Little Mermaid, according to my hair, so I asked him who he was. 
He proudly say he is Eric.

I can smile at the pictures of the actual Disney's characters, then just sit near Jungkook. 
I look at him ,take his hands, and talk about what I did lastly as habits that I adopt during two months. 


*** Jungkook POV

Where I have to go now with my life ? 

What's the point with me ? 

I can't control my feelings each time i'm with her, I'm so weak. 
That's why I can't control my sadness since I know she really throws me away for him. 
She didn't tell me directly, and I'm still wondering why. 

Lisa is not like this, Kook. 

Uh... Well, my feelings was too much hurts for just being okay with this. 
Anyway, this pain just break my light will I had till now, but i'm enough.

I'm enough with this life, enough to always had to endure something. 

Then, the black screen comes under my closed-eyes. 
GoodBye, Lisa. 


A sweet smell, and a clear voice. 

I wake up slowly, but there is no one on the room, till a man wearing a white blouse comes in. 
He looks at me, shook, but quickly ask me. " Are you okay ?

I frown since my head was too heavy. 

" I have a little headache.. "

I say, lightly. He nodded, and then check my tension. 

" You slept almost during two months, I can understand. "

Wow.. 2 months ? What is this ? I don't remember why I'm here. 
I just can remember Jennie's talking to me with this machiavels features. 
Then, nothing. 

My eyes starring at the room i'm on. There is flowers, pictures, and even snacks. 

" Who give this to me ? "

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