I, Silvia Reed, On a date with him, Niall Horan.

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Niall came to pick me up at exactly 2:00 the next day. When we got into the car, I asked "Where are we going?" Niall turned, looked at me, smiled and said, "Back to our hotel, the boys wanted to meet you and uh, cook for you." I laughed, because 4 days ago from today, I was watching videos of these silly boys, and now I'm hanging out with them, and on a date with one.

On the ride there, Niall turned up the radio, of course, 1D was on. He turned it way up to the point where I thought the speakers were going to blow. He sang along to every word, making me laugh so hard, I almost wet my pants. When the song was over niall turned to me, smiled and said, "You look very beautiful this fine afternoon, Ms.Silvia." I couldn't help but laugh at that cute irish accent saying my name. 

When we got to the hotel, I was suprised, It was huge! There were fans screaming outside at people taking their pictures. Niall whispered in my ear, " You may be on the front of a magazine." His lips were almost touching my ear. It gave me chills down my spine. We walked in the room to Louis and Zayn throwing food at each other, Liam trying to contol them, and Harry just sitting there enjoying it all with his boot on his leg. Niall started laughing when he first saw them. Him laughing, made me laugh. When they spotted us they stopped what they were doing and said "Sorry!" in perfect unison. "I don't mind." I laughed. Liam walked up to me smiling, and said "I'm Liam, and I know who you are, the girl who Niall has been talking about for the last few days." Niall blushed and punched Liam in the gut, making him grunt. The other boys introduced themselves nicely, then went back to the kitchen. Niall and I went to the couch. "I need to learn more about you, other than having a beautiful smile." I blushed, again just like the first time he told me. 

I told him all about me, I think he liked it, because he was smiling throughout the whole time I was talking. "Your turn." I smiled looking into his eyes.

He then, told me about himself, about where he was born, but I pretty much already knew everything about that boy! Not that I was obessed or anything.

"You seem to be a very nice girl Silvia Reed." He said, smirking. "Same to you Niall Horan." I said. He smiled, then leaned in, and placed his lips on mine. Our lips fit together like a missing puzzle piece. He placed his hand on my waste, while I placed my hands on his neck. His lips were soft, and soothing.  We kissed for about 2 minutes, no tounge, and then pulled away, looking into each other's eyes. We looked over at the boys who saw it all. 

Niall's POV

I couldn't belive what I had just done. I just got so lost in her eyes that it was just instict to do that. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever met, and I wanted her to know that. From the moment I set eyes on her, I knew she would be the one. "Woah." She said, thats all she said. "I'm so sorry, I know we barely know each other but I-I-" "No! It's ok, I liked it." She said, smiling. All the lads started clapping and came to give me pats on the back. "Dinner's Ready!" Louis screamed, excited. 

Silvia's POV

We sat down to eat, and I was suprised because the dinner was grilled cheese sandwitches. "This is the best grilled cheese sandwhich I have ever tasted Louis!" I said. "Thanks, Love, it's my mum's recipie. 

When It got really late, Nial drived me home. We got to my house and I said, "This was the best night of my life Mr.Horan." "Mine also." He said, grinning.  "Bye Niall" I said, getting out of the car. "Wait!" I came back and he kissed me on the cheek. "goodnight, new Girlfriend," He said. "Goodnight new boyfriend" I said smiling. "Text Me!" 

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