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I woke up to my vibrating phone, I checked it and it was a message from Niall<3, It wasn't a suprise, he's been texting me everday since we started dating two weeks ago.



Hey  Babe, Lets hang out today? I already miss you! 

I couln't help but smile to myselft. I responded with an 'Alright Baby'. I got up and got dressed. It didn't need to worry if Niall liked it or not, because now I knew he loved me for the way I am. I liked that, he made me feel beautiful.  I threw my long brown locks into a ponytail, and put a small amount of makeup on. I did this while humming 'Don't need makeup,to cover up' I Loved my life, and I hope nothing will ever change. 

I got in Niall's car as he pecked me on the lips. Before he could turn back away, I pulled his shirt back so he could kiss me more. Then, we practically started making out. My hand reached up to his hair tugging on it while he kissed me, his soft lips on mine. We leaned away, and just smiled at each other. Thats what I like about us, after we majorly kiss, we look at each other and smile. Niall's smile is like eating a chocolate cake, you always love it no matter what. "Silvia, do you believe in love at first sight?" Niall asked me. I was a bit puzzled that was a odd question. "Sometimes." "Really? Because to me, you were love at first sight." We then, kissed again,but longer and his lips smashed againset mine. This time, our tounges got involved his fighting against mine, he was winning. I closed my eyes tight, smelling his scent. I pulled away. "We had better get going, before I get pregnant, I joked." He laughed and sighed "Good idea!" 

Niall and I decieded to go to the mall. He spoiled me and bought me anything I wanted. "the lads are going to meet us here in a few to get some ice cream" Niall explained to me. "Okay." I said smiling. "Why are you smiling?" He asked me. "Becasue you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." It sounded really cheesy, but it was true, he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. 

When the rest of the boys got there, they all gave me hugs, while Harry gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Harry hand of, come one! " Niall cmplained. "Sorry Lad." Harry Whined. 

Harry's POV

Niall was right about that girls smile. It was breath-taking. I think I might have feelings for her. I feel so bad though because Niall is my lad, and I can't like a girl he's dating. Right now Niall's practically swallowing her. I've never seen him like this with a girl. I had to tell Niall though. It's what best friends do. "Niall, can I talk to you in private?" I pleaded. "Yeah sure lad!!" He said, I've never seen him this happy. We went kinda far so nobody could hear us.  "Niall, I think I have feelings for Silvia." Niall just stared at me. He was shocked. "Soo why are you telling me this? Do you want me to break up wither for you are something? Becasue I'm really sorry harry, but that's not going to happen. I love silvia more than I love Nandos.You can be friend with her but, Harry I can't belive you would be this selfish." His words hit me like knives stabbing me. I truly don't know why I wanted to tell him that. He left me standing ther aloe,with  thoughts. I went home. so things wouldn't be awkward.

Niall's POV

I was back home now, it was two AM a lying i my bed thinking. I Loved Silvia more than anyone ever could. I think Harry might feel the same. That's when I got a text.

From: My Silvia<33

Message: Hey Baby, if your up call me. We need to talk.

I hope she was okay. I called her, and she answered. "What's up ?" I asked,kinda o f confused as to why she was calling me at 2am. Then  I heared her moaning, like she was having sex. "Sliv, are you okay?" "Uh yeah hunny, just got back from the bar. I'm with Niall, where are you? Why did you call me?" My heart dropped. Silvia was drunk and thought she was with me."Silvia,this is Niall.""Whaatttt? No way boi, I'm fucking niall right now, thats impossible!" "shit" I muttered under my breath. I hung the phone up, and woke all the lasds up and told them what had happened. "Where's Harry?" I asked, confused. "we dunno, he went to the bar and hasn't come back sine. "Fuck,"

Do You Believe in Love at First Sight? (A One Direction Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now