Chapter 1

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There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved. 

~George Sand


"V, can you please go open the door?" My dad yelled from downstairs. 

I finished up my mascara and secured the cap on. I bounded down the stairs to the front door. "Who is it?" I asked through the door. 

"I'm a little teacup, short and stout..." a voice said. 

I smiled. "Here is my handle, here is my stout!" I opened the door and smiled wider at the sight of my best friend, Alex standing with his arms open. 

I happily jump into his arms and returned his bear-hug. "Hi Alex!" 

"Hey short stuff." He ruffled my hair. 

I turned around to see dad with a crazy look on his face saying, kids these days, talking about our secret knock. 

It started in 7th grade when a boy with red hair and braces. He always hummed that song during study hall and it just became an inside joke for the both of us. 

"Hey dad we're going upstairs. Call me if you need me." I said from the stairs. Dad waved me off, staring at the screen of the TV, engrossed in a baseball game. 

Alex and I ran up the stairs giggling the whole way. I slammed the room door and collapsed onto my bed, Alex on the soft pink carpet of my floor, huffing and puffing. 

"God your getting fast." Alex said from the floor. 

I beamed. Even though he won the race, it was still an accomplishment to be at least close to beating him.  "No, you're just getting fat." I laughed. Alex lugged a throw pillow at my face but I quickly deflected his attack. 

"Slow poke." I stuck my tongue out.

Alex got up and walked to my computer and turned it on. He turned some music on and started dancing. I started laughing and got up to join him, doing the chicken dance. He spinned me around started to do the tango with me. 

His hands secured around my waist and I blushed a little at the contact but my feet were unaffected. They moved with the experience of an advanced dancer and my feet flowed with the music. I closed my eyes and let the music surround my ears and all that was left in my head was the movement of my feet. 

After the music stopped, I started blushing madly. Alex laughed. He held his hand up for a high five. "I knew I could get you to dance again!" 

With my face beet red, I ran into my bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor and leaned in the toilet. I heard the footsteps of Alex nearing the door and I buried my face in my arms. 


"Please welcome Veronica Martinez to the stage dancing to Swan Lake!" The audience clapped loudly, and I took several shaky breaths before entering the stage. The swarm of people made my head spin and I was so close to running off the stage. I scanned the crowd, looking for one familiar face. Spotting them, I smiled and closed my eyes, getting in position for the beginning of the song. 

My feet happily danced to the familiar beautiful sounds. The music enveloped my body in a hug and my arms moved gracefully to it. I opened my eyes to see how the audience was reacting.

Next thing I knew, my feet slipped out from underneath me and I fell in a heap on the stage. I didn't know if the music stopped or not, I didn't care. I needed to get off that stage. 

I ran off, heading straight for my temporary dressing room and cried. 

"Please V, let me in." Alex pleaded through the door. 

I sniffled and snapped out of my daydream. "You knew I didn't want to ever dance again and you just let me. You knew, and you didn't even stop me." 

"I know and I am so sorry. You were just having so much fun and I couldn't ruin that for you. Please forgive me." 

Sighing, I got up and opened the door. I stepped right into Alex's open arms and buried my face into his chest. 

He smoothed my hair and shushed my cries that I didn't even know were there. I just let myself pathetically sob in front of him. "It's okay. I'm here and no one else." 

My sobs slowly stopped and I stepped out of his embrace, already missing the smell of his after shave and cheap cologne. 

Alex wiped my face of any lingering tears. "Are you okay?" 

I  nodded and smiled. "I'm sorry it just brought a whole bunch of bad memories that came back to me in a rush." 

He nodded. "I know."

We layed on my bed and put Netflix on and watched a romantic comedy. Spending Saturday night with my best friend who is also my crush, what more could a girl wish for?

You could probably here my cries in the audience but I didn't care. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why did I think that I could do this? Why did I think that I wouldn't make a fool of myself? 

There was a commotion outside my dressing room. I got up and peered outside the door. 

Two guards were lightly pushing a young man away from my dressing room, agitation clear on their face. " I'm sorry sir but you can't go in there." said one of the guards who was much taller than the other. 

"That's my best friend in there. Let me in." 

Alex! "It's ok," I said to the guards. "He's with me." 

The guards just shrugged and released a very angry looking Alex. He pulled himself away and smoothed down his outfit. His eyes met mine and they quickly turned concerned and walked into the dressing room, closing the door. 

"What happened out there? You were killing it out there. What made you mess up? That could have been a serious accident V. You scared the hell out of me." Alex had worry laced over his face.

"I know, I know. I don't know what happened. One minute I opened my eyes and the next I was on the floor. Oh my god I am so embarrassed. I am going to be a laughing stock on the news. I can already see it, dumb girl falls on stage for god knows why." I put my face in my hands. 

"Don't worry about it. Just be strong. I'm here for you through anything." Alex pulled my face away from my hands. 

I smiled. " I know."

Ok! Ending of chapter one! How did I do? Comment on things I should change or keep ! See you next wensday! Bye my bad witches. Stay bad😈😘

 Stay bad😈😘

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