Part 1

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Alexa's POV

I woke up to sun beaming into my room. I sat up taking a deep breath. "Oh how good it feels to be home" I mumbled smiling. I looked over at my clock.
8:46 am
I jumped up out of bed made it and grabbed my phone I walked downstairs to the sweet smell of blueberry pancakes.
"Good morning my beautiful family!" I cheerfully said.
"Morning" Allison said.
"What happened to you you're all happy and it's 8am" Tyler laughed.
"I'm just happy to be home! And not to mention since I'm back I get to annoy my two favorite siblings!" I joked as I sat down by Tyler. Dad put two pancakes in front of me and I instantly scarfed them down.
"I'm meeting some of my friends at the park today, do you two want to come?" Tyler asked. I looked at him shocked, " You have friends!" I yelled.
"You know what I take back my offer to you" He sternly said.
"Can I still go?" Allison asked.
"Of course sweet pea" Tyler said ruffling up her hair.
"Anyway kiddos"our mom said sitting down.
"Are you guys excited for the boat bash tonight?" She asked.
The boat bash was when we would all take our boats out on the lake and swim and watch the fireworks.
"Of course I am" I said.
"But this day would be way better if I could spend it with my lovely brother!" I squeezed his cheek.
"Haha okay you can come too" He gave in.
"Yes!" I yelled.
"We're leaving at 11:30" he said.
"Oh okay I have to go workout" I got up and went to my room I threw on a plain blue shirt and put on leggings. I put my hair into a ponytail and went to the basement where we have a mini gym.

 I put my hair into a ponytail and went to the basement where we have a mini gym

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I started doing my workout and that took an hour and a half.

It was now 10:20am and I had to take a shower I got out and changed into

I did my makeup and blow dried my hair and left it down I grabbed my wallet and phone and put them in my back pockets

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I did my makeup and blow dried my hair and left it down I grabbed my wallet and phone and put them in my back pockets. I went downstairs at around 11:27
"Finally ready?" Tyler joked. I lightly punch his arm and we said goodbye to our parents and left. The park was in walking distance from our house.

15 minuets later we got there. Tyler ran over to his friends and bro hugged them or whatever they do. We saw kids running around and laughing. I smiled as we made our way over to Tyler's friends.
"Guys you remember My sister Alexa, right?" Tyler asked them.
"Yes I do" Kyle said. He had black hair and blue eyes he was well structured too.
"Yeah, it's good to see you again sweetheart" Blake said. He had dirty blonde hair and greenish eyes. He always liked to call me by sweet nicknames. And I gradually started doing the same.
"Hey, you too Jellybean" I smiled.
"Okay run along little monsters!" Tyler said pushing us away. I was honestly a little bit sad, hurt, and mostly pissed. I mean I just got home last night from being in LA for months. I haven't seen him for that long and he wants to be with his friends who he saw everyday!
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Alli.
"Can I go play on the Play Ground?" She asked.
"Yeah sure, knock yourself out" I said. She smiled and ran off. I sat on a bench that was where I could see her.
"Ahhh OMG YOU'RE ALEXA PATTERSON!" A girl screamed behind me. I turned around to see this sweet girl with brown hair and a cute smile on her face.
"Annie look it's Alexa!" She yelled to her friend. Then came over two girls and a Women and Man who looked to be their parents.
"That is Alexa!" The smallest girl yelled.
"Girls Why Don't you introduce yourself?" The women said.
"I'm Katie"
"I'm Annie"
"I'm Hayley, Annie and I are sisters! They're our parents!" Haley happily said pointing towards the adults.
"Im their Mom Katie"
"I'm their dad Billy" they both said.
"I think you know who I am by the way you screamed my name. It's nice to meet you guys." I smiled.
"Can we have a picture" Katie asked.
"We can take as many as you want!" I said. We took some pictures and the girls ran off. Billy stayed behind.
"Hey if you don't mind, could we exchange numbers, I would love to surprise their cousins, they love you also." He said.
"Yeah sure" I smiled we exchanged numbers and Alli walked back over.
"I'm hungry" she whined.
"Me too"
We walked over to the little café The was kinda like a small restaurant. But they were never that busy

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