Hello Baby~

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~V's POV~

I don't get Jimin. Just a while ago his flirting mode was at the highest mode attacking all girls he sees, giving them winks or smiling over so seductively, but right now here he is in class totally spacing out. Ever since he told me to go inside our class first, he started acting funny. First he was almost late which never happens. Second he barely took notice to anyone when sitting down which has never happened before, knowing him he would always greet everyone and engage in small talk. Lastly is how his staring directly at the board, his daze state and how he keeps smiling like an total idiot. Which for me looks funny but of course for his fans he would always look hot and handsome. I better ask him what happened before he entered class. Aigoo why am I friends with you again Park Jimin?

~Jimin's POV~

He was so cute I can't even describe how I'm feeling right now. I guess this would be my first time thinking about a guy ever being attractive. I mean his beauty was out of this world. His eyes, nose, lips, hair, skin and body was almost as if God crafted him himself. I need to get ahold of myself! I'm acting weird! This is definitely not me! I might just be acting this way because he was super pretty. Nothing has change just the same old game. I need to see him again though, I want him. Maybe he'll let me play with him?

At Lunch time.

~JHope's POV~

I'm really excited to spend time with Kookie his just so precious with his bunny like smile and shy personality. It makes we want to protect him even though I just barely met him. I smile and wave my fans? as I make my way to the Junior Architecture Halls. "Hey is their a Jeon Jungkook's in this class? Can you call him for me? Tell him its Jhope"

~Jungkook's POV~

Ismike brightly as soon as a classmate of mine said that JHope-hyung is look for me. He really did keep his promise in picking me up. I felt so happy that I get to be friends with such a kind and cool senior. "Hyung! I'm so happy to see you! I hope its fine if I say that we'll be eating at my secret spot cause i'm not that comfortable at crowded places like the canteen."

"Oh Kookie its fine! Remember theres no need to force yourself when your with me. Let's buy something nice to eat and enjoy a fun and relaxing time at your secret hideout!"

"Thanks Hobi-hyung I so happy that your my friend and its not just my secret hideout anymore its ours hyung."

I'm really lucky to have Jhope hyung as my friend. I might have found a friend who will help me overcome my shyness and won't judge me for who I really am.

~Jimin's POV~

"Hurry up Tae! He might be at that place again!"

"Who are you even talking about? Why are we running?" I'm seriously about to hit him but theres no time. I need to see if his real or was I just imagining what I saw this moring.

"Why are we even here Chim?! Nobody ever goes here! Your acting really weird!"

"That is why we need to go here! I need to make sure that i'm normal! Now hurry up and just follow me!"

~Jhope's POV~

Me and Kookie were enjoying our lunch talking about whatever comes into our minds when I saw a pair of students walking on our way. Wait I know them!

"Tae! What brings you here? And Chim! Woah you look like you guys run a marathon!"

"Well because of a certain someone I guess we did run alot! Wait why are you even here and who is that?" Oh my I almost forgot about how I'm supposed to hang out with them. I guess I was having such a fun time that I didn't even realize. I turn around to see a scared looking Kookie with his head hung low. Aww the poor boy must have been shocked.

"Guys let me introduce you my new and special friend, Jeon Jungkook his a first year at the Architecture department. As you can see his incredidly shy but his very kind, cute and fun to be with!

"Oh my his so cute! My name is Kim Taehyung a good friend of Hobi I'm an aeronotical engineer and this smaller one is Park Jimin, his the most famous senior in this school and the same course as me, were both good friends of Jhope! Nice to meet you!"

~Jungkook's POV~

Wow their both so tall and handsome they seem so nice that I literally agreed to be friends with them almost instantly. Well with Tae-hyung, I don't know about Jimin though. I recognize his face well, he was the guy I had an awkward eye contact from this morning. I'm so embarassed! He must have thought that I'm so weird! Well thankfully I'm far away from him. Hobi-hyung invited them to join us and I didn't want to seem rude since they look friendly so I agreed. Were currently huddled up sitting at the grass, with Hobi-hyung at my right Tae-hyung at my left and Jimin-hyung across me.

"Hey do you know how pretty you are looking right now?"

What?! The first time Jimin hyung talks and thats what he says?! How should even answer that?!

"Umm excuse me?"

"I thought I was dreaming when I saw you this morning but I guess its fate that we meet again~ *winks*" Is he doing what I think his doing?! Is he flirting with me?! No way! He must just be helping me feel less awkward. He might just want me to be closer with them. That must be it!

"Yah! Park Jimin what are you planning to do with my Kookie! Why are you openly flirting with him!" I almost spit my food when Jhope hyung said that. So he was flirting with me?! Why is my heart beating so fast! Why are my cheecks even blushing?! What is wrong with me?!

"Aw come on Hobi you telling me I can't make a move at this cutie?"

"No you can't Kookie is mine to protect! Specially from guys like you!"

"Yah Chim don't even think of playing with Kookie! Leave the kid alone!" Tae-hyung says while landing a punch at Jimin hyungs back.

Playing? Is he Joking with me? I guess then its fine. But why do I feel dissapointed.

"So what if I'm serious about him?"

Heres a longer update guys! Hope you like it! They finally met! What will happen next? Leave a Vote and Comment to show support ✌ Till the next one 😉 See ya~ 💕


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