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Hello again everyone! Finally we have reached the chapter you've all been waiting for!🔥Well not exactly "that" 😉 part yet but still a major progress for our couple! I won't stall you guys any longer! Enjoy~~💕

The next morning after "Jikook's incident" 💔

~JHope's POV~

Somethings not right here.... even a blind person can see or feel that something happened between this two. I'm glad that our plan worked somehow, but I don't think it would end up in a bad way. Why do I say that? Well first of, last night all of a sudden, I see Jimin looking all gloomy and disturb abruptly leaving the villa were staying at. When I asked him were his going he just ignored me then left. He didn't even return until just this morning. He looked like shit! Bags and puffy eyed, hair dishelved and he seems to be in such deep thoughts. Second is Kookie, the poor boy never left his room last night, missing our bbq party and supper, only to find out that our precious maknae was up all night silently sobbing on his room. His not even talking with anybody right now.

We all had to physically stop Suga-hyung from running after Jimin. He would probably beat him up or worst kill him, and knowing Jimin's mindset he would probably just let him. Lastly is right now! Its 10am and here I thought that things would look a little better cause Jimin finally came back home, and Kookie coming out of his room but here they are infront of the beach totally ignoring and distancing with each other! Me and the others tried asking each one of them but both party just won't tell us. Even Suga-hyung had no luck asking Kookie.

I just hope everything is fine and I wish they would make up soon. In a way I feel guilty for ever planning this but, I just really want them to be happy together.

Near the shore 🌊

~Tae's POV~



"Come on Chim! I won't make fun of you! I'm your friend! I just really wanna help and it saddens me to see you both like these! Everyone is worried!"

"I know Tae but please not now...."




"........stop tae...please"

"Chim you know I won't force you when I know its something thats not easy for you to say but, seeing my best friend hurt right in front of me is harder than bearing the curiousity not knowing what happened to you. I need to know Chim. I want to help you. I know your in pain and I just want you to know that I'm willing to listen. I just don't want you to be sad anymore."

"Tae...I...*sniffs to stop tears"

"I'm here for you....*put arms around JM"

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