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Perhaps if it weren't so cold the sunlight could be felt. Unfortunately, the society of Isolone is a society like no other. Cold, unyielding, and grey. What was once the great continent of the Americas, is now submerged underneath an ocean of grey civilization. In the Ancient Times, differences between humans and their diverse characteristics brought them to their demise. Some were better at ruling a country than others. Others were better at bringing about a business. But they were all forced to work together in sync. "Differences are evil" the Founder had proclaimed. To fix this, he decided separating people by their abilities would bring peace in the world.  The Founder gathered disciples and converted them all to his ideology. Thus, the new civilization of Isolone became a reality. 

There are four major classes, or as they like to call themselves, "Elites". The Undesired Elite, the Commoner Elite, the Military Elite, and the Governing Elite. The lowest elite of the four is the Undesired Elite. In this low-ranking group, people who were born with disabilities that impaired them from helping to make progress in the society, resided here. 

The next elite was the Commoner Elite. These people were what would be considered "The Peasants". They had no special abilities, but they were all born able to work and help in the economic and social affairs of the city. Their sole responsibility was to do all the labor the Governing Elite demanded they did.

The second highest elite, was the Military Elite. In fact, they were the favorites of the Governing Elite. Born not out of womb or parents, these humanoids were genetically engineered and programmed since the Fetal Stage. They would be considered machines with a human appearance. These Humanoids were responsible for the protection of Isolone and the conquering of lands on the Eastern part of the globe. But these soldiers were special. They were engineered to feel nothing, obey, and kill. 

The highest elite, was the Governing Elite. This was the highest rank of all others. It was composed of four families, the Marble family, the Dao family, the Elixir family, and the Raynott family. These four families governed the entire city from what was once known as Canada to Argentina.   

There were many rules specific to each class, and they must be followed for the order of things and to save them from punishments. The greatest rule of them all? Never under any circumstances should any member of any elite mix in with another. Intermarriage between elites is strictly forbidden, and contact with any elite outside your own . . .  is punishable by death.  

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