Chapter 16

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Ikay was currently showering in his room. When he came out, his black hair was sleek and plastered to his face. He put on his black sweatpants and wiped his face with a towel. As he passed the silk screen hanging in the archway leading back to his bed place, he heard the crackling of static.

Ikay paused and looked at the transmission receiver. The sound was gone, but Ikay waited a second. The static came back and he saw there was a transmission trying to come through. He found it suspicious as Military transmissions never had trouble reaching him. This had to be someone different trying to contact him. 

Ikay reached for the keyboard and his headset. It was definitely a foreign transmission.

The static buffered and Ikay tried to connect the signal. He changed the frequency and wavelength to pull the signal through.

"This is I-111502, state your identity, rank, and origin." Ikay called into the microphone.

The static buffered and Ikay heard something.


"Hello? Is someone there? Please respond. You are contacting the Military Elite base, Pod 63990. State your identity, rank, and origin!" Ikay said louder in hopes he could be heard.

"I—ay" he heard.

Ikay  furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Eric?" He whispered in surprise.

"I-It's—m—" Eric said.

"Hold on, I'm bringing you through. Hold on."

Ikay skillfully clicked on the settings of the receiver and strengthened the signal. In minutes, he was able to pull it through and Eric's familiar face came to the screen.

"Eric!" Ikay exclaimed.

"Ikay!" Eric said excitedly.

"What are you doing? How did you know how to contact me? How have you not set off the security breach alerts?"

"Well, apparently I'm great at hacking the Government's security system. I'm still learning though, this was a test. I didn't think I would actually reach you, but I sure am glad I did."

"You hacked the Governing Elite?! Eric do you have any idea the trouble you're getting yourself into?!"

"I know the risks Ikay. Look, I haven't been detected--"

"You're gonna get caught Eric! It's a matter of time!" Ikay exclaimed urgently. 

"No no. You see, Mathew gave me his Master Code, so I'm undetectable because the only thing the security system detects is the Governing Elite. They have access to everything."

Ikay was bewildered Eric had accomplished such a feat. He couldn't tell if he approved of Eric's doing or not. For one, he did feel relieved to see Eric well, but now he was worried he was being an idiot.

"You look different." Ikay arched an eyebrow noticing his hairstyle.

"Oh, yeah. My hair." Eric ran a hand through his black hair. "I'll be running away from home soon. Not sure exactly when, but it is going to happen. I'm mounting a full rebellion against the Governing Elite. I cut my hair so after I leave, if I happen to return or be hunted down, it will be harder to recognize me. So, now it looks like this."

Ikay took in the sight of Eric's hair. It was done into what looked like a very short bob haircut. His bangs were spread out in a perfectly straight line across his forehead, whispering over his eyebrows. 

"Eric you're speaking madness! There is no way you can start a rebellion! Do you even have a plan?!" Ikay rose his voice.

"No, but I can figure it out as I go." Eric said and looked down. "Look, Ikay. I don't belong in this society, and I can't keep living here! I need a change! I'm tired of sitting on my hands and waiting for someone to do it for me! None of the livestock I'm living amongst will do it! If no one will then I'll do it!"

"Eric you're chasing a dream! You can't do it! You can't mount a rebellion against a system that's been living for centuries alone!"

"Then I'll just gather supporters!"

"Eric listen to yourself! You're basing a rebellion and your life around low chances! How do you know people will actually change their minds and join you?!" Ikay couldn't comprehend why Eric would think this was a sound idea.

"Ikay I'm sick of being told what I can and cannot do! I have made up my mind and I will not change it! If you want to sit there and wait for someone to set you free go ahead! But I'm done waiting! Will you join me or not?!" Eric shouted back.

Ikay placed his face in his palms. There was no way this insane idea could work. But he had to admit Eric had a few points. No one will make things change for them, and they don't belong here. Eric seemed to really believe in this. And maybe, just maybe, if this worked he could live freely without being afraid to die for being different. No one was brave enough to do it, only Eric. In truth, no one was sane enough to do this. Would he join the side with an incredibly low chance of success, or stay in the oppressive side to only dream of change?

"Oliver found a secret underground tunnel in the forest of the Undesired Elite. He's been checking it out and he showed it to me. It's completely deserted, and abandoned." Eric spoke up. "I will not force you to choose, after all that's what I'll be working towards to. A society where you can choose your fate. If you wish to join, meet us there tomorrow evening."

"You're suggesting treason Eric." Ikay whispered.

"I know." Eric replied. "That is why, this is your choice. Even if you choose to stay, when this rebellion succeeds, I will set you free. I won't forget the first friend I ever made."

Friend? Ikay was considered Eric's friend? He had never had a friend in all his time here.

"Ikay, you say my idea is insane, but tell me, doesn't death penalty for interactions sound insane to you?" Eric said quietly. "Think about it."

With that, Ikay was left alone to think. He was thinking of Celeste now. He wanted to be with her, and it sounded insane that that was worth his life.

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