One minute
We were there
Basking in the glory
Of the sunset
Heralding the end of a new day.
The next you were gone
Like smoke
Dissolving in the air
Only a mild fragrance
Tenderly caressing my heart.
You were gone.
To where?
I do not know.
But I hope you can find serenity there
Peace of mind
Eternal joy and happiness.
Years pass.
Flowers fade and fall.
Trees grows taller.
The snow melts and freezes again.
The sun still sets every day.
But then time ceased to exist.
For out of the corner of my eye
I saw a shadow
Of you
In the smile of a baby
The laugh of a child
The dawn of a new day.
And I know you are still with me
Every day
Watching from above.
Poetry.....Beginning To End
PoetryThis is a collection of all my poems in the order that they were written. Hope you enjoy them. WARNING...may contain some song lyrics.