Chapter 1 Taken

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     The dim lights invaded my vision. That was the first thing I became aware of when I woke. 

     The second thing that crossed my mind was ropes were tightly bounded around my waist and hands.

     The third and last was that I had been taken.

     Empty space surrounded me. Immidiatly I assumed I was laying in the center of an abandoned werehouse. 

     I was alone.

     I was scared.

     And I didn't know how long I had been missing, or if anyone even knew I WAS missing. January 7, 2012, was labeled on a nearby wooden crate. I assumed that was today's date. The only memory I could grasp was New Years Eve. January 1, 2012. I had been missing for a week. 

     I recalled the fireworks illuminating the night sky.

     The crowd was ignighting in cheers and laughter while they counted down to midnight.





     The fireworks exploded creating a sound loud enough to cover even my own voice. I was shoved backwards, Cut off from the entire crowd. Now darkness was the only thing surrounding me. suddenly the celebration seemed depressing and out of place. I leaned against the railing of the ship, and peered out into the quiet ocean.

     I heard footsteps echoing behind me. I began to turn around to find the sourse of the noise only to be cut off by strong, masculen arms gripping my neck forcing me into a headlock. My immediant instinct was to scream; however the man tightly placed his hand firmly on my mounth.

     " Shhh, don't speak!"

     I obeyed as he led me farther from the crowd. 

     " I won't hurt you Lauren," he assured.

     " You know my name," the man laughed slightly, loosening his grip.

     " Yah, I tend to know alot of things," he stopped in his path," I'm here to protect you."

     " From what-"

     I was cut off by a man that seemed to swoop down through the ceiling, and was armed with a gun. The weapon was targeted at my protector who reflexively swung me around, and too yanked out his own pistol, aiming it at the enemy. Somewhere in the chaos the man released me, and completly sidetracked himself in hand to hand combat with the opposing man.

     An unfamilar, second man in black appeared from behind me. I screamed attemping to catch the attention of  my protector. I felt him grab my beltloop and latch it onit what seemed to be a clip. before i could even think i as flying through the air and landing atop the third story roof. I struggled to break free of what seemed to be a harness supporting me in flight. The last thing i saw of my protector was his hansome face that had before been conceled in shadows.

     After a brief second the man once again leaped into the air taking me with him, but this time our only destination was the vast waters of the sea. The last thing i rememer was being pulled aboard a speedboat and hearing, " Next stop is Europe."

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