Chapter 3 Tortured

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     Turns out the warehouse was NOT a warehouse! Blade led me down a staircase and through two automatic doors that revealed a completely different building. I glanced over to him in efforts of deciding how I was going to state a question that had been on my mind since our recent conversation.

     " Why me?"

     " What-?"

     Blade looked at me confused.

     " Why me? Out of all people. All of the entire world, why me?"

     " Your parents were the most top rated spys in the world. Who else?"

     I was in shock. That's the only word that seemed to do my emotions justice. As my eyes ventured up towards the "room" before me; however, all my worries seemed to... Not melt, but hide. Ready to bug me later, and possess my inner thoughts. Even though I knew I HATED Blade, his people, and this place, I couldn't help not to marvel at it's beauty.

     The white walls and floor projected a clean, fresh vibe.I was standing in a large space surrounded by stairs, doors, and desks. Lots of desks. The strangest thing about the room was it's advanced technology that seemed to be off limits; however, they used it as though it was just your everyday devices like a tooth brush.

     I stared at Blade who appeared to be proud of the space as though it was his own son. When I walked in the calm vibe stiffened and heads turned. No one frowned, or seemed rude. It was more like I was their queen. I avoided eye contact, and instead focused on the 3D computers.

     " What do you think?" Blade asked, smiling.

     I Whipped  my head back to face him as he yanked me from my gaze.

     " It's okay," I lied. trying to hide the fact that I was impressed.

     Blade tightly grabbed my arm reminding me that he was my enemy, and led me down a hallway with many doors. There were noises. I couldn't make them out, but they gradually became clearer, and louder. As we got further into that hallway, the sound became more frequent.




     Finally I could make them out. Sounds of torture. I began taking deep breaths, but avoided Blades glances. For the first time I noticed his scar. A huge slash running down his face, across his right eye.

     Not even half way down the hall, Blade entered through a door that he locked behind me. A queasy feeling gripped my stomach. I was calm on the outside, but inside I was having a mental breakdown. My dad always admired me for my bravery, and tearless eyes.

     " what is this?"

     Blade glanced at my hand that was rested on a chair in the center of the room.

     " It's to make sure you cooperate."

     He didn't even look at me as he left the room, once again locking the door behind him. I scanned the room which was empty other than the seat.

     White. Compliments my blood stains when they're done with me. I thought. No. Don't say that. Nothing bad will happen...

     Before I could finish my thoughts, four people dressed in white suits entered the room. Three of them directly stalked towards me, and the other rolled in a cart with needles neatly lining the surface. When the people began reaching for me I started to scream and flail my arms in the air. Instinctively I began backing up into the chair which only made it easier for them.  Once I was seated they had no trouble holding and tying me down.

     I couln't hide my fear. I was scared and all I wanted for them was to stop, but they wanted me. Finally I realized there was no way to escape. I had to except my fate. They placed a gag in my mouth to block out my screams, and began rubbing a sort of lotion on my skin. That's when I saw it. A camera. And somehow I knew it was a live film being broadcasted in America.

     I tried pushing away the the thought of people in my home country, possibly even my family and friends watching me being tortured with needles. I examined all of the needles, there were too many to count. They also were each a little bit different, some an inch short, others as long as my forearm. They also differed in thickness, one was so thin it was almost invisible, another was as thick as a pencil.

     The lady that rolled in the cart explained " We are doing this to test your pain tolerance and to show you what we're capible of." She shot me a controlling look.

    The three other people in white suits began advansing on me. Hatred burned on their faces, yet a longing that seemed to burrow farther down than any hate could. No one had ever stared at me like that. Revenge. Sorrow. I was in a trap. A trap I could not escape. 

     They watched as the lady carried over a short, thin needle in both her hands. I cringed at the thought of how it would feel. The flawless surface of it percing my vunerable skin, and trespassing into unknown territory. I already felt the sting invading my body. When the lady reached my chair I once again screamed and trashed at the air, grabbing nothingness. She leaned over and layed a rubbery glove below my chin. I struggled as she yanked my head upward exposing my bare neck. She did not speak. I felt the muscles in my neck stiffen as the point met my skin and entered my body. I wanted to screamed, but I knew it would only make the pain worse. I relaxed my body.

     One of the people in white pulled out a clipboard," How do you feel?"He removed my gag.

     I looked straight into his eyes," Just jolly," I replied, suprised at how steady my voice was. he frowned and shifted uncomfortably.

     The lady returned once again to the cart and this time picked up a long, thick needle, " For that, you can meet our largest needle," she explained with a smirk stretched across her thin face. I took a deep breath and clinched the arms of the chair as tight as my weak muscules could. This time she quickly jerked the torture divice into me, hitting a vain. I screamed out in pain. It felt as though my entire body was on fire. She slowly pulled it out lessening my agony. That's when I felt it. The warm liquid streaming down my neck, puddling in my hands. I could smell it. The stinch of the blood was overwhelming. I gasped for air, feeling as though I would bleed to death. But no, that would be to easy.

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