Chapter 5 Escape

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When I arrived in the lobby all eyes seemed to be on me. This wasn't going to be easy, or possible... I felt out of place in the room. I was the only colorful thing there. Everything else was white, white, and white. Even the skin of the workers was pale white. White lab jackets. White decor. White everything!

I glanced around, but nothing caught my eye except for a man. He wore a black suit. I knew him. How? Where? When? Then it hit me. He was the man from the cruise ship on New Years. But why was he here? He worked for America, right? My train of thought stalled when Blade walked in. He carried a white coat that he handed the man.

"Congratulations, Chris your in."

Chris. His name was Chris. I looked into his eyes for a long time. Not once did he even look in my direction. Does he know i'm here? Does he remember me? And if he does is he ignoring me? He didn't budge. He just sat straight up in the the chair glaring at Blade.

" Lauren, you might want to duck," he said still avoiding eye contact. The next couple of seconds went by faster than when I was taken. I remember Blade's face, and how everyone in the room simultaneously looked up. Most memorable was Chris. That slight smirk playing on his lips.

" Wha-"

Out of no where people began swarming around. I saw Chris take a swing at Blade, and many of the coated people reveled black beneath white. It was chaos. I was swallowed up by an army of black. Coming from every corner. Appearing from the ceiling, the floor. Everywhere. Women were screaming. Men were fighting, and I was the one running.

I never did duck, I just ran. Someone one was behind me. That was all I was aware of. I kept running though. My body was young, therefore, it had no trouble keeping at a steady pace, but I felt the person behind me gain his speed. Several times he reached out to my shirt, but its silky texture made it difficult to grasp. I didn't know where I was going, but I kept on.

I felt him grab at my braid, but the only damage he did was pull off my band, allowing my hair to flow freely behind me. I was fast . I felt the adrenaline pounding in my chest. But, I made a mistake. One mistake of turning instead of going straight that allowed him to grab hold of my hips, pulling me backwards, and engulfing me in himself. He held a knife in one hand, and the other was still wrapped around me protectively. I felt his heart beat and his heaving breath in my back.

In front of us was Blade, slowly stalking our way. There was something in his hands I couldn't make out what it was, but I took it as a threat.

" It's times like these I really wish I would have put my contacts in," Chris state casually.

I was still squinting my eyes when I realized what it was.

" A gun."

That's all I had to say. Immediately, Chris turned around, pushing me infront, and continued down the hall. That's when I heard the piercing sound of the gun echoing through the hall, but that's also when I heard shattering glass, and felt a stinging pain in my side that Chris had directed towards the window we were now flying out of, which was, not to mention, seven stories high.

I'm going to die, I thought.

But, just when I had prepared myself to splatter on the hard ground, something caught me. I looked around and realized Chris still had his arm around me and also noticed a bungee cord latched to his vest beneath his jacket. Two men in black that where attached to the side of the building had quickly hooked the cord to us as we fell, and were now slowly hiring us up.

" Was that part of the plan?" I asked, breathlessly.

He took a deep breath. " Yes . Yes it was a part of the plan. And if you hadn't run away from me you would've known that."

As i looked higher i saw that we were attached to a helicopter. And it would carry us to where-ever was "safe" for me, if anywhere is safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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