Chapter 2 Knowing

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     Now it all made sense. Well at least how I got here. In the distance I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. Ever since I was a child my dad would tell me that if I ever found myself in a situation simular to this, I should play dead to confuse my predators.

     When the steps finally paused I closed my eyes, making my body limp and lifeless. Usually if I was acting like I was dead I would smile; however, now I had no trouble maintaining a straight face.I tried to monitor my breath asthough in deep sleep.

     I was scared, and I wasn't the type to be scared. I wanted to be back in New York sleeping in my own bed. I wanted to wake up knowing this was just a dream. Suddenly I found myself thanking God for every blessing I had. Thanking him for my family and friends and everything from the mugs in my cabnits to the roof above my head back at home. I felt like I shouldn't breath at all, or sould somehow stop my heart from beating.

     " You're not to bad of an actress," a man casually stated as he approached my curled up body. I could here the sound of his boots sweeping the floor. His deep breaths through his mouth. I even could have sworn I felt his pulse vibrating in the ground," My name is Matt Sherwood, but you can call me Blade."

     I didn't reply in hopes of carrying out my act, but I could tell he wasn't buying it.

     " Come on don't make this difficult Blondie."

     I lay there completly motionless until I felt his shoe bury into my gut. A peircing pain shot through my body, and I let a moan out as I crenged and rolled into a ball as to protect myself from further damage. I figured since it was already over I might as well keep my pride and act braver than I really was.

     " I'm not a blonde," I forced out, and was suprised by how steady my voice was.

     " No, you're not: however, your brown hair is only a cover up for your arrogance," he rose a brow, and even offered a hand in helping me up. I took the offer, and after he quickly cut the ropes, I sat on a simple wooden chair he pulled from a corner," So you're wondering what's going on. ,"I didn't even have to nod, he continued on as though talking to himself,"It's actually quite simple. You have something I want. When you were a baby, a device was implanted into your wrist that holds the information of how to produce by far the most powerful weapon ever created," when he noticed the wrinkle in my brow he deepened in detail," Let's just say it could blow up the sun from Earth. America hasn't really been fair you see, thay have hidden you from us for seventeen years, but now we have you."

     " Wait! So they've been watching me since I was born?"

     " Quite rude isn't it? To be percise they know your ever move. Where you are now, where you were one second ago."

      "Why has someone not just taken the stupid thing out yet?"

      "Well, America hasn't had the supplies to build the ray until now. The man you met on the boat was taking you to a lab. They were going to remove the chip and we can't have that now can we?"

     I had a feeling deep inside that blade was lying, he was turning the tables on me, That England was going to remove the chip not America, that also I should trust the man I met on the ship not him.

    " Why does it matter if the ray is build or who builds it?" I questiond blade.

      He started pacing. " It matters because the ray is a dangerous weapon. When in the wrong hands it can and will do a lot of damage, and in our case the wrong hands are America's hands.' explained blade once again turning the tables."Now let's give you a tour of the Headquarters."

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