Does He Remember?

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  You woke up the next day and did whatever you do in the morning before heading to school. Your sister decided you all should bike today. You slung your backpack over your shoulder. "Let's get going if we don't want to be late." Spirit said. The three of you went outside and got on your bikes. The breeze felt pretty good against your face as you peddled to school. It felt like when you run through the forest. Soon enough, you and your sisters reached the school. As usual, everyone there was split into their different groups. You looked around then saw someone you recognized. "No way..." You mumbled in astonishment. It was Cil. (Why do most stories forget Cil? HE'S MY FAVORITE BEAN)

 (Why do most stories forget Cil? HE'S MY FAVORITE BEAN)

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(this picture is Cil)

You slowly started walking towards him. Yup, it was him alright. Same sparkly pink hair and headband. He walked away from some of the people and was walking toward you. You accidentally made eye contact with him. His face lit up and he ran over to you. "Y/N! I missed you!" He said happily, hugging you. You smiled and hugged back. "I missed you too Cil." You replied. You both pulled apart when the bell rang. "I'll talk to you later Y/N!" He told you before dashing off. You waved then went to your first class which was history.

~Time Skip because most of your classes were boring~

You next class was science, a pretty fun subject. The teacher is really fun and is like a student. Today you were learning chemistry. You sat down in a seat and listened to the teacher. "Alright class, today we will be making potions. In a moment, I will pass out materials and then you can make the base and then make your own potion. Just please, No. Explosives." He said sternly at the end. After he passed out the materials, you made the base and decided to make a potion that makes you non-stop hyper for 2 hours. After making it, you poured the mixture into viles and sealed them up, saving them for later.

The bell rang as the teacher dismissed you all to lunch. You went to the cafeteria and sat down at a table. You ate your lunch in peace, aside from all the non-stop talking. After you finished your lunch you want to you locker to get your music stuff. Then you felt someone turn you around and slam you against the lockers. You felt some pain in your back. A bit timid, you looked at the monster who did this. You looked at his eyes and you immediately recognized him. "Paperjam?" You questionably asked. "How do you know my name newbie?!" He shouted at you. "Don't you remember that dorky music lover from your childhood?" You asked, his expression changing. "Y/N! I'm so sorry!" He said, letting go of you. "I-I didn't realize it was you!" You smiled. "It's alright PJ." You replied, giving him a comforting smile. "What, why are you back?" He asked. "I graduated from that school dummy." You replied.

You then started catching up with him, talking about what has happened in the past 6 years. "Let's keep in contact." He said, writing his number down on a piece of paper and handing it to you. "I'll either call or text you later today." You told him, putting the paper in your pocket. The bell rang so you said bye to PJ before heading to your next class.

~Another time skip~

You started heading home on your bike, along with your sisters. Today was a good day. When you arrived home, you did your homework then pulled out the piece of paper from your pocket. "I should probably call him." You quietly said to yourself. You picked up your phone and dialed in the number. You waited for a few seconds before someone picked up. "Hello?" You heard PJ's voice say. "Hi PJ. It's Y/N." You said. You guys then continued the conversation for and hour until PJ told you he had to go eat dinner. You understood and when he hung up, you saved his number. You decided to make his contact name as PB&J because why not. After you ate dinner, you went to bed, floating into a dreamless sleep.

I hop ya'll are satisfied with this chapter. Stay tuned for updates!

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