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It was Thursday, the day Mr. Mettaton was holding auditions after school. You wanted to audition for Maria because you looked at the characters and you liked her the best. You were humming one of the songs from it that Maria sings since in the audition you also have to sing a song since it is a musical. April was sick so you and Spirit went to school but instead of biking Spirit drove you both. "Ready for auditions today?" She asked you. "Yup." You replied before going inside and getting ready for your classes. Today your first class was art so you headed to the art room early. You waved to Mr. Ink before taking a seat. He smiled then continued to set out the materials for today's class. Some other students came in but the one you noticed was PJ. He took the seat to the right of you and smiled. You smiled back and you felt your soul slightly flutter.

The bell rang so students came pouring in. One everyone settled down, Mr Ink coughed to get everyone's attention. "Okay class, today we'll be making art using fine tipped markers. I'll leave some examples on the front board." Mr. Ink said before pinning up some examples on the front board. You took out your fine tipped markers and then used a pencil to sketch out your drawing on the thick paper Mr. Ink had passed out. While sketching, you heard PJ humming the song 'Maria' from the musical. Huh. That's a bit odd but oh well.

You had sketched out someone performing on a stage in front of an audience. You then used your very fine tipped black permanent marker and started outlining. You were humming another song from West Side Story. You started to color in your drawing after doing the outlining. You noticed PJ glancing at you every once in a while. 'He's been acting a bit strange lately...' You thought but still focusing on your art. After coloring and doing some slight shading, you signed it in the corner. The bell rang so you got out of your seat, picked up your supplies, and headed to your locker.

TI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ME (out) SKI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-P

It was about lunch time now so you got our your lunch and went to the cafeteria. You sat and an empty table since you didn't feel like sitting with jocks today. You were humming 'Out There' from Hunchback of Notre Dame. You liked drama along with music and volleyball, especially musical theatre. You finished your lunch, downed some water, and then decided to practice some lines and part of a song for your audition. You couldn't help but move your body to what you said and sang. It made you get even more into it. You didn't notice PJ until you heard clapping from him as you finished singing part of one of the songs. You turned around in surprise. "PJ!" You exclaimed. "You sing wonderfully Y/N." He remarked. "Well, I didn't go to music school for nothing!" You replied before the both of you chuckled.

"It's good to have you back Y/N." PJ told you. "Well, I'm glad i'm back too." You replied. The two of you chatted and joked around until you both had to leave for your next class. "See ya later PJ!" You said to him, heading to the History classroom.

Time skip to Audition time!

It was now after schools on you quickly headed to the auditorium for auditioning. You were ready. You saw students lines up so you lined up as well. "Hello darling! I'm assuming you are all auditioning?" Mr. Mettaton asked you all. You all nodded. "Good, good, good! Now I'd like you all to try and stay quiet so Ms. Spirit and I can hear." Mr. Mettaton said before taking his seat. A few minutes passed by and it was very close to your turn. "Alright thank you darling. Next!' Mr. Mettaton called out. You never noticed the person to your left but it was PJ. 'He's auditioning?' You thought but you calmed your mind.

"Alright PJ who are you auditioning for?" Spirit asked him. "Tony." PJ simply replied, Mr. Mettaton wrote down something on a paper on his hot pink clipboard. "Go ahead and say some lines darling." Mr. Mettaton told him. PJ started saying some lines he had memorized, using tone, passion, emotion and movement. Mr. Mettaton wrote some stuff down as he heard PJ. "He's a natural!' Mr. Mettaton whispered to Spirit. "I didn't expect anything less from him." Spirit whispered, writing some things down. "Alright PJ, ready to sing?" Spirit asked him. PJ nodded. "Alright, what song?" "Maria." Spirit went ahead and played the instrumental. PJ took in a breath before singing.

Your soul was fluttering as you heard him sing. Never in your time of knowing him have you ever heard him sing. Mr. Mettaton had a shocked expression on his robotic face, almost dropping his pen. Spirit was taking down notes on her paper. PJ finished singing and you silently clapped. Mr. Mettaton and Spirit clapped. "Thank you PJ. You may leave now." Spirit said. PJ nodded and then walked off the stage. "Next!" Mr. Mettaton called, you walking up to the stage. "Oh Y/N darling! Who are you auditioning for?" Mr. Mettaton asked you. "Maria." You answered. "Go ahead darling." Mr. Mettaton said. " Make it not true, please make it not true!" You said in a tone of despair, doing slight actions as you said it. You continued to say lines with passion, emotion, and using slight actions. You then looked at your sister who pulled up the music for you. You were going to sing Maria's parts in 'Tonight'. You heard the music and started singing.

(only Maria's parts)

Mr. Mettaton had the same shocked expression on his face. He couldn't help but clap. "Thank you Y/N darling. We'll see you soon." Mr. Mettaton told you. You walked off the stage and went to get your bag. You were very proud of yourself. You got your bag and headed home.

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