*scremsfromauthorbcshecan'tthinkofatitleso pretenditsarllygoodtitle*

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*glares at procrastination and writer's block* You little pieces of shi-


"WHAT THE F*CK!" You shouted as you fell off your bed. Apparently, one of your friends messed with your alarm on your phone. You groaned as you got up from the floor and got ready for school. Today was another after school rehearsal (I LOVE PLAY REHEARSAL-) so you had to make sure you had your script with you. "Great, another day of hell." You mumbled, walking down the stairs with your bag to go eat breakfast. You expected Spirit to be in the kitchen, but she wasn't there.

"That's...strange." You said, then going up the stairs. Opening the door to your older sister's bedroom, you saw her laying down in her bed, a cloth on her forehead. "Sis?" You asked, walking over to her bed, concerned. Spirit rarely got sick, so this was a shock to you. "Hm?" Her eyes opened a bit and then looked over to you. You touched her neck. "You're practically burning up!" You exclaimed after feeling her body temperature. "I-I'll be fine..." Her voice sounded rough and a scratchy. "Sis, you barely have the strength to even move. I'm staying home so I can take care of you." You told her, being very direct with your tone.

"But you have practice..." "I can always catch up." You exited her room and went to your room. You changed into your lounge/home clothes before going downstairs to get medicine, water, and sports drink. Once you set those down on one of Spirit's bedside tables, you went to fill a small bowl with ice cold water and brought it back. Your phone made a little ring, telling you that you had a text. You took your phone out of your pocket and looked who it was from. It was from none other than PJ.

PB&J - Where are you? School starts in 15 minutes!

N/N - Spirit got a fever so I'm taking care of her since our parents are at work.

PB&J - I'll come later after rehearsal is over then.

N/N - Mk. Love you!

PB&J - Love you too

You put your phone away and then poured out the correct amount of medicine for your sister. You gave it to her and then gave her a cup of ice water. She downed the medicine, making an expression of disgust, and then drank 2/3 of the water that was in the cup. You quickly rinsed the cloth in the bowl of ice water and then placed it back on her forehead. After a little while, your older sister was asleep. Being sick can really bring down your energy.

You plopped down onto a bean bag that was close to your sister's bed. Being the bored child you were, you got your laptop and then started playing/listening to your favorite musical(s) (Comment your favorite musical/musicals! I'm interested in what you guys like!) You kept checking on your sister every 5 or so minutes. She always cared for you and April whenever you guys got sick so you're doing the same for her.

~Time skip brought to you by: Author jamming out her musicals and early 2000's and 2010's pop songs~

The day passed by quite fast. It was currently 4:05 PM so PJ would be out of rehearsal soon. Spirit was a bit better, she was able to sit up with the strength that she had. You were currently making sure she was taking the medicine (since it tastes like death) and drinking plenty of water. You were also ignoring all the spam texts your other friends were sending pretty much every second. Your mother texted your that she'd be home soon so you wouldn't have to keep taking care of your sister.

A knock on the door was heard, so you went downstairs and said, "Who's there?"

"A herd."

"A herd who?"

"A herd you were home so I came over!"

You chuckled from the joke before opening the door and letting PJ in. He took off his letterman and bag, setting them on the couch. "So, what happened in practice today?" You asked him while he was taking out his script. "Well, we started doing the blocking (Blocking is pretty much storyboarding for a scene) for the last scene." Pj responded, script in hand while you guys started walking up the stairs to Spirit's room. You guys entered, still talking. Spirit smiled a little bit, watching you and PJ continue to talk. "Doesn't Tony die at the end of the last scene?" You asked, sitting down on the floor, criss cross. "Yup." Pj responded, a dying inside expression on his face. He then sat down in front of you and placed the script down in between you two.

For the rest of the time he spent over at your house, you guys rehearsed the blocking that happened to the best of your abilities. You mother came back from work so she took care of Spirit while you guys could continue practicing in either the living room or your room. You guys chose the living room. A few hours later PJ had to leave so that was, but at least you guys have a fun time.

It's FINALLY frickin done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for all the support you guys give! The support always encourages me to continue writing so if you want more of this book, please continue to support!

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